AUCTION: 13+ Paint Silkie/ Possible Showgirl Eggs (ENDED)

Vellie is the current high bidder at $62.00.

Despite it looking like a winter wonderland today with a few more inches of snow falling, the girls are still cozy and laying. I have collected two more eggs this morning and got one more egg this afternoon, putting the total at 13 so far, plus any laid Saturday and Sunday will be included too!

A reminder, this auction closes tomorrow at 5pm CST. This means as of the last edit of this post (2:40 pm) there is 1 day, 2 hours, and 20 minutes left. Happy bidding!

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Vellie is the current high bidder at $67.00.

23 more hours to go!
Vellie is the high bidder at $90.00.

9 hours and 15 minutes left until bidding closes at 5pm CST!
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