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'Nother black one! That makes it three black, three lav!!! I can NOT believe this!!!
Thank you so much onthespot, and I'm glad to hear you are so pleased.
I bet those babies end up being very spoiled! You know, there's enough stuffing in that box to make a pillow..lol.

(I swear, I did not pay her to say all those things..lol)
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This has already turned out WAY better than I expected! Shipped eggs, 1:4 chance for color... you do the math... but I WANTED lavenders!!! so I winged it and just went for it... best deal so far by miles.... Thank you.
Final tally, Six black, four Lavenders. One of the blacks quit a couple days ago, dead in the shell, feet toward the big end, blood in the sac, probably tore something trying to position itself. Then one lavender pipped and did not hatch, and was small and weak when I helped it out of the shell. It did not bleed, it was just weak and couldn't do much and passed on during the night. I am SO VERY HAPPY with this hatch. I always seem to see more lavenders than expected hatching from these split x split, and Lav x split clutches and mumbled to myself some initials that started with B and ended with S, but now I can say it happened to me too... Not saying you will get the same deal, but a lot of people seem to... including me, the unluckiest hatcher on the planet!
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