Hey everyone! Just joined today and for those who haven't seen my intro post, I'm Josh and I'm from central California. I just purchased my first house and that has allowed me to start my dream of novice homesteading. Of course I need chickens! After putting in all the extra research prior to purchase, and numerous youtube videos, I must say that I am looking forward to the chickens so much more than I thought I would. I caught the end of season due to the timing of my home purchase and was able to order some day old chicks that are due Nov. 5. While searching for them I found hatching eggs with some cool breeds that weren't available as day old chicks. I also talked to a couple of friends who had been wanting some more chickens but weren't able to purchase the minimum chicks for an order. So I ordered some eggs. I took into account the assumption that shipped egg hatch rates sat at about 50% and tacked on some more negative thoughts to bring expected hatch rate to about 25%. Here is what I have:
10 welsummer
7 Easter eggers
1 mystery(can't read stamp)
1 blue andalusian
1 rhode island red
1 buff orpington
1 black australorp
These were from 1 supplier and the singles plus 1 easter egger was part of a mystery pack
I also have 12 lavender orpingtons from a smaller homestead business
The welsummers were completely impossible for me to see anything. I thought I was able to see at least part of the air cell on one. I am not overly optimistic about this batch. In most pictures of candled eggs, the air cells are bright and obvious, I didn't really see that illuminated cap on any of mine. There were quite a few "saddles" and the few that I made out to have regular circular shape seemed very watery and shaky as the egg rotated. I will try to attach the pictures I took before putting them in the incubator tonight that show some traces of what I believed to be the air cell on some of the eggs. I also bought these as a fun learning experience and project to do with my 3 year old son. I really hope I might be able to get 1 hatched so he can see. He is very excited about every aspect of this so far, and at least no matter the outcome of the hatch he will get to see some day olds in a couple weeks. I also hope to get some sussex (light or speckled) whenever I possibly can. I had 6 light eggs coming to me that were slated for thursday arrival but thanks to the constantly disappointing postal service they made their way so far off route and have been in transit from 2 states away for the last two days..not happy at all. Oh and since I saw a lot of loose and odd shaped air cells, I decided to incubate all the eggs as if they had detached air cells. I have them all upright and my moving will consist of tilting them to their other side and slowly rotating them slightly. If anyone has any other advice, I will take anything!
10 welsummer
7 Easter eggers
1 mystery(can't read stamp)
1 blue andalusian
1 rhode island red
1 buff orpington
1 black australorp
These were from 1 supplier and the singles plus 1 easter egger was part of a mystery pack
I also have 12 lavender orpingtons from a smaller homestead business
The welsummers were completely impossible for me to see anything. I thought I was able to see at least part of the air cell on one. I am not overly optimistic about this batch. In most pictures of candled eggs, the air cells are bright and obvious, I didn't really see that illuminated cap on any of mine. There were quite a few "saddles" and the few that I made out to have regular circular shape seemed very watery and shaky as the egg rotated. I will try to attach the pictures I took before putting them in the incubator tonight that show some traces of what I believed to be the air cell on some of the eggs. I also bought these as a fun learning experience and project to do with my 3 year old son. I really hope I might be able to get 1 hatched so he can see. He is very excited about every aspect of this so far, and at least no matter the outcome of the hatch he will get to see some day olds in a couple weeks. I also hope to get some sussex (light or speckled) whenever I possibly can. I had 6 light eggs coming to me that were slated for thursday arrival but thanks to the constantly disappointing postal service they made their way so far off route and have been in transit from 2 states away for the last two days..not happy at all. Oh and since I saw a lot of loose and odd shaped air cells, I decided to incubate all the eggs as if they had detached air cells. I have them all upright and my moving will consist of tilting them to their other side and slowly rotating them slightly. If anyone has any other advice, I will take anything!