Aug-Nov egg stats

I keep a running tally on the calendar next to the frig. In the habit of sticking x number of eggs in frig and adding x number of eggs to the calendar. Up to 11 for this month, go hens
My girls started laying at the beginning of September and so far (fingers crossed) we have had an egg from each of them every day since (bar one girl who was much later to start and is laying weird eggs). Long may it continue!!
Ok, I got 42 duck eggs and 227 chicken eggs from about 10 to 16 chickens in August. (Some were not laying at the begining of the month due to hatching out some babies the month before)

In September I got 73 duck eggs (my 3rd duck started laying) and 343 chicken eggs from 17 chickens that are now laying.

So in the last 2 months I got:
115 duck eggs
570 chicken eggs

I keep a daily log on the calander of duck and chicken eggs and I just started this month (Oct) of keeping track of the monies I recieved from the sale of eggs. I guess I need that spreadsheet also as I want to track my feed costs too for the month.

As soon as I made my 'eggs for sale' sign for the street, my girls stopped laying--not completely, but they've cut way back, and my mom ran out of free eggs from a truck rollover that happened in our area, so she's been getting my extras. My September total came to 105 from 7 hens. My red star is still laying 4-5 eggs a week, but everyone else has gone from four to two a week. My BR hens should start laying late this month or in November, I'm hoping. And I admit, I plan to run a light out there as soon as I get all the boys moved out so the coop is less crowded. Considering how the building on my second coop went this week, it may be Thanksgiving--which would sooo not be cool when I have so many chicks brooding and more in the bator.
Well I had my wife keep a egg count for the month of september out of my 13 pullets witch we received as day olds on april 03,2008 so they are still young. we received a total of 321 eggs 9 of were double yolks . Below is the chart that she made sorry for the long post


Date: Number of Eggs

September 1 9 Monday

September 2 9 Tuesday

September 3 12 Wednesday

September 4 12 Thursday

September 5 11 Friday

September 6 9 Saturday

September 7 13 Sunday

September 8 11 Monday

September 9 10 Tuesday

September 10 10 Wednesday

September 11 11 Thursday

September 12 11 Friday

September 13 11 Saturday

September 14 10 Sunday

September 15 10 Monday

September 16 10 Tuesday

September 17 10 Wednesday

September 18 13 Thursday

September 19 12 Friday

September 20 10 Saturday

September 21 9 Sunday

September 22 10 Monday

September 23 11 Tuesday

September 24 11 Wednesday

September 25 11 Thursday

September 26 11 Friday

September 27 11 Saturday

September 28 12 Sunday

September 29 10 Monday

September 30 11 Tuesday
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updated for October. The last couple weeks our hens egg production has been way down. We are thinking about putting a light in their coop and turning it on for a couple hours at night.
14 pullets- now 26 1/2 weeks old

Total for October 217. Started month with 3 to 4 eggs a day ended with 9-12 a day.

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I keep track of daily egg production and how much I spend on feed. I sell my eggs and make just enough to cover feed right now.
I have 26 hens and get anywhere from 11 to 18 eggs a day. I have 1 hen with chicks, 1 broody, and about 6 hens in full moult.

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