*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I have 2 true Ameraucana chicks, and another easter egger and 1 of the marans have pipped!

Yes, I've been getting up during the night and checking on my eggs
So many questions! Here is a good place to start looking for answers: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=363717

used the egg carton method ONE time and I'm pretty sure that is why my two beautiful silver pied peachicks did not hatch. The two I moved off the carton to lay flat hatched perfectly without an ounce of help, while the other two died- perfectly formed, yolk absorbed, beautiful consistency/soft membranes, perfect position to pip- but just died.


Question!! I have a load of silkies in my incubator right now.... does the sometimes shortened bantam hatching time (19-20 days) count for them? Should I be taking them off the turner today instead of tuesday?

Ugh I am SO excited for this hatch, I just know these are going to be beautiful babies.
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Kedreeva, I did an eggtopsy on the one egg out of the two that didn't hatch and it was positioned wrong with it's wind behind its back instead of over its head, plus this egg show excessive veining early, like nothing I have seen before
so when I did the eggtopsy it had a HUGE black vein running around its stomach!! It looked so weird I took a picture, but not sure if I should post it because it might upset someone!? The chick that did hatch, hatched perfectly with using the dry method, infact it was the large, porus egg. The chick was dryer, fluffed up and walked earlier than chicks in other hatches I have done with the traditional method! I had to go to the feed store and buy it some buddies, but they only had Banties young enough, so I came home with my first ever Bantams~ a White Crested Blue and a White Crested Lavendar (I think a pair?) and I'm in love
Chickee, definitely post the picture in the eggtopsy thread (link is a few posts above to someone else). The title has a warning of graphic pictures so if someone wants to get upset it's their own darn fault for looking after being warned, and it provides valuable information for the rest of us.
Found out that my egg turner cracked after loading it down with eggs. I had one egg break in the process. I am off to buy a new egg turner. I only had 6 eggs in each tray, I had no idea those things were made so cheaply. Then again, it was a hand-me-down and I have no idea how long they had it. Needless to say turning eggs manually is for the birds and I am off to drop some more money on my precious babies. Splash orpingtons
I can't wait until I see them. Hopefully being dropped wasn't too traumatic! OMG.
So cute! Love how you captured photos of it at various stages.

I had FIVE chicks hatch today! So now I have two in the brooder, and five in the incubator peeping up a storm. 7 out of 21 eggs. I got at least one of every type I had in the incubator to hatch, and happily the eggs with the strongest colors all hatched! NOw, PLEASE all be female

No pips on the others, but I plan to leave the incubator on for a few more days, just in case. Every one of my chicks was a late hatcher this time!
I have another egg peeping away in the bator!

Meanwhile, my chick is throwing a fit in the brooder because I won't pick it up.

***Edited due to typo
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So cute! Love how you captured photos of it at various stages.

I had FIVE chicks hatch today! So now I have two in the brooder, and five in the incubator peeping up a storm. 7 out of 21 eggs. I got at least one of every type I had in the incubator to hatch, and happily the eggs with the strongest colors all hatched! NOw, PLEASE all be female

No pips on the others, but I plan to leave the incubator on for a few more days, just in case. Every one of my chicks was a late hatcher this time!

Congrats on the babies!
Im happy to report that my black turken hatchling that couldnt stand up on its own, is standing up and walking today. I had him/her in the coffee mug for nearly 24 hrs and it worked. Was a little wobbly on the feet when I took him/her out, but it hadnt been able to walk around being in the mug!

I also have a pip in the 1 egg that was due to hatch 8/9. It is 1 of my eggs, a RIR/BO mix.
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