*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I set 14 blue eggs today, that I got yesterday from emvickrey! I'm so excited! I'm really looking forward to my flock of blue egg layers. My partner in Chicken Math will be working with the brown egg layers. We're going to have a special pen of bantams as well. Of course, we'll both be tending all the flocks and reviewing progress. My Chicken Log is seeing many entries lately: should have a few guineas hatching tomorrow or the next day; next week should be the porcelain d'uccles from camelot farms. And in August, the blue eggs I just set should hatch, as well as some project eggs that will be arriving tonight. Chickens! Chickens! Chickens!
ok i set my eggs in my incubator then i had one of my ee's go broody on me. now i have put 2 eggs from the incubator under her so she could hatch them for me. i still have 31 eggs in the incubator. i was wondering if the fact that the eggs are on day 8 of incubation will be a problem with the hen. will she know when to do lockdown or do i need to find some fresh eggs for her to incubate? i dont have a roo so i would have to find some close by for her if it wont work for her to be on the eggs that i put under her.

this is the first broody i've had. is there anything special i need to do for her? i plan on taking the chicks out after they hatched to raise with the rest that hatch out from the incubator. thanks for any help.
Ahhhh! I set 7 olive egger eggs (from Wynette) in my brand new Brinsea Mini Advance incubator on July 17th,


so I guess that means an August 6th hatch - if all goes well. I'm a first time incubator. Err, user of an incubator.

I REALLY like the idea of a "Hatch-A-Long" thread for everybody to chime in and bounce off each other. How cool is that!! I did start my own thread already on July 17th, but I bet I'll be over here reading as of 8/1.

txmel, I think your hen will know what to do with the eggs. I have heard that chickens don't count the 21 days it takes for the eggs to hatch. They just sit until something happens. As far as what you need to do for your broody...if she is still with the flock she may steal the eggs from the other hens so you need to be able to identify the ones you put under her and throw out any extras she accumulates. I have my broody separate so this is not a problem for me. Some people take their broodies off the nest once or twice a day but I don't do that. I just keep food and water nearby and let her get up if she wants to. I also let the broody raise the chicks. This is sooo much less work for me. And I think hens know far more than humans about hatching aggs and raising chicks.
My eggs are due to hatch August 8th. 6 Polish 6 Cuckoo Marans 1 BCm and 11 EE! Little Giant with turner and fan. Hopefully I'll have better luck than last time.
cool thanks for the info so far i have placed food and water near her and she seems to be doing well. i take out the eggs layed in the other boxes several times a day but i only have 3 other hens laying and one of those just started a few days ago. so haven't had problems with her trying to steal any. i have marked the eggs though.
@ Blubrd: What sort of Polish!
They are my favorite. I'd be hatching more of them if my bator was not full this month with shipped eggs.
Well one of my hens finally truly went broody! (she's been toying around with the idea for weeks) Anyways she is sitting on 8 eggs and this will be my first time EVER of hatching eggs any way! I'm just so excited!!

Since this is my first time I'm going to be doing a lot of research. She started really sitting on them two days ago so I'm thinking 19 more days?? That would make the hatching on. or around Aug 8. Crossing my fingers for cute little babies here soon!

*edited because I'm a retard.
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