*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I woke up to 2 eggs in the early stages of hatching!!!! Another bantam (today is day 24 for them!), and an easter Egger (day 23). The easter egger is already out and peeping its head off, but the bantam egg hasnt progressed or had any movement.

I have TWO chicks now! I was planning on taking a trip to Callahans (feed store) to get a chick to keep my bantam company, because I assumed this hatch was over. Nope, not gonna have to!
One of my 11 eggs that made it to lockdown became a stinker! One of my FBCMs too

I had another FBCM that was rocking like crazy untill last night. Now nothing! Bill bought me this older flock so I could build up a new flock and I don't want to lose the chance of having at least one hatch. I don't want to lose them too and I don't want him to have spent the time and money to set me up to have been something else I'm failing at !!!I've had eggs rock and then onthing and when I go back later to see what happened, they were fully developed and I always feel like I could have done something. This is day 22 and I've had day 25 hatches, but I've never gotten one to hatch that has acted this way and then stopped. Anyone ever helped one like this and saved it?

I did have a humidity and temp drop during the night. Woke up and temp was 97 and humidity was 64. I have the humidity up to 70 now and this chick didn't shrink wrap like I've had others do, so I'm hoping the others haven't.

No movement from any of the other eggs. The one that did hatch so far didn't shake at all, just pipped and slowly zipped.

I've never used the egg carton method until this time. Should I lay them down like usual? OK I've had some really bad hatches as of late with shipped eggs, but most of mine own eggs have made it. I need these guys to hatch!

Does it sound like this BCM has died in shell?

I need some help! I can't believe that the past couple of months I've has so much bad luck. These are the last chickens he bought me and I need to get some good hatches.
After a bit of sleep, I awakened to SIX hatched chicks! (Out of 7 eggs.)

Unfortunately, about an hour later, one of the six had apparently fallen asleep with its head in the water reservoir, and had drowned.
So, so sad. I felt awful, as if I should have been perched right there, watching them until they all fluffed up, and prevented that disaster. But I was double-checking the brooder and logging onto the computer.....

I don't think the 7th egg is going to hatch - it never pipped.

I've put 3 of the hatchlings into the brooder and am waiting for the other two survivors to fluff up so I can put them in the brooder, too. And yes, I run back to the guest room every few minutes to make sure they're not falling asleep in the water reservoir, either!

I'll post pictures in a while.

I AM thrilled, though - I never thought ANY would hatch (just because this is my first time and I was sure I'd do something awfully wrong - guess I have, huh? - so five surviving chicks is still a miracle to me!
I realized my hatch day is only 4 days away. I'm starting to get excited. I don't candle eggs if a broody is hatching them so I haven't had much to contribute this month. Soon!
As I reported earlier, I awoke to 2 eggs pipping. One immediately came out and is now fluffing in the incubator. But the other hasnt progressed beyond what I saw at 8am, the membrane is greenish brown, and yolk is now starting to ever so slowly ooze out of a tear in the membrane. The egg was nearly zipped all the way around, and was still pulsating slughtly this mirning, but it's been still for hours now. I think it's a goner

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