*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***


Thats cool you are hatching a RIR x BO cross - I am, too! I just added a Blue Orpington rooster to my flock of six Rhode Island Red hens at the beginning of the year, and now I am incubating and hatching eggs!!
So many questions! Here is a good place to start looking for answers: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=363717

used the egg carton method ONE time and I'm pretty sure that is why my two beautiful silver pied peachicks did not hatch. The two I moved off the carton to lay flat hatched perfectly without an ounce of help, while the other two died- perfectly formed, yolk absorbed, beautiful consistency/soft membranes, perfect position to pip- but just died.


Question!! I have a load of silkies in my incubator right now.... does the sometimes shortened bantam hatching time (19-20 days) count for them? Should I be taking them off the turner today instead of tuesday?

Ugh I am SO excited for this hatch, I just know these are going to be beautiful babies.

I don't know what went wrong. I thought trying the carton my bring up my hatch rate. NOPE! Started with 11 at lockdown (already a bummer) one egg started seeping yuck!

Out of the 10 left, ONE chick! I opened the others and they were shrink wrapped.

Humidity was 70 when this one hatched. It had hit 64 I believe the day before, but this one made it.

Some were quiters, but hard time seeing through them. None of my shipped eggs made it and didn't look fertile.

Out of the 9 that didn't hatch I had 4 perfectly shaped chicks.

I real hate when I get a single, cause they are so much more noisy. Don't have another hatch till the 24st. Wouldn't be using the carton when the times comes.
EastinChickens- Ohhhhhhhh a blue orp....how pretty !!!!!! My1 is a Buff. However, Im waiting on some blue turken eggs. The person sending them has crossed turkens with blue orps. 80% will be naked necks and 20% will look like blue orps. Im excited and hoping to get both!
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I've never heard of this. Can you explain? I have a few that are having trouble standing, and one whose feet look twisted. Thanks!

The twisted feet might be fixed by using a band aid shoe. I found all my info for that by doing a search here.

Well, the turken was over on its side,couldnt lift head, couldnt get up. But was still strong and chirping loudly. Also kept 'running' trying to get up. It just couldnt. I gave it nearly 24 hrs on its own to try to get up. When it still could not, I thought I had remembered reading someone put their chick in a coffee mug. So I got one it couldnt jump out of. Put in there right side up and left it in bator for nearly 24 hrs. When I got him/her out of the mug, it could stand up!! The mug kept the chicken from falling on its side and made it stay up right.

I have hatched chicks that fall over backwards and have a hard time getting off of their back. They all have gotten over it within a week or so and are just fine now.
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how did you have it in the mug i have a little chick that i'm have problems with walking and looking for ideas on how to help it.
how did you have it in the mug i have a little chick that i'm have problems with walking and looking for ideas on how to help it.

I used a mug that wasnt too wide or too small, but tall enough to keep chick in. Just set it inside the mug upright on its feet. It could lay down, but only by lowering itself...couldnt stretch out or lay on side.

Does your chick have a twisted foot??
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how did you have it in the mug i have a little chick that i'm have problems with walking and looking for ideas on how to help it.

I used a mug that wasnt too wide or too small, but tall enough to keep chick in. Just set it inside the mug upright on its feet. It could lay down, but only by lowering itself...couldnt stretch out or lay on side.

Does your chick have a twisted foot??

yeah both of her feet are twisted and i have put chick shoes on her i just dont know what else to do?
I used a mug that wasnt too wide or too small, but tall enough to keep chick in. Just set it inside the mug upright on its feet. It could lay down, but only by lowering itself...couldnt stretch out or lay on side.

Does your chick have a twisted foot??

yeah both of her feet are twisted and i have put chick shoes on her i just dont know what else to do?

Im not sure there is much else you can do for that.
My very 1st hatchling ever had a twisted foot. I tried the shoe but it didnt work. Then she seemed to get around ok. But as she got larger, she couldnt get around at all. She hatched early march. I just had to cull her recently. Its no kind of life if you cant make it to the food and water. She was such a sweet girl too

What was your humidity and temp through incubation? And what kind of bator?
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