*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

My pip has finally turned into a zip!!!

ETA: This is strange- the chick has stopped zipping and is now just sitting there. Is it stuck?
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I will hopefully be hatching out lots of chicks in august.
I have
2 doz. B/B/S amercauna bantam eggs
1 doz. lavender amercauna bantam eggs
1 doz. courtnix quail eggs
1 doz. bobwhite quail eggs
I won all of these at indiana chickenstock!!!
I'm so excited!!!!! Got 2 silkie and 2 silkie/slw eggs in today!!
Oh, I do so hope I have any kind of luck with them. This is going to be a LONG 3 weeks, guys....even longer than the last 3 batches, I think. lol

Wish me luck
My RIR/BO chick hatched today!! It was working on the zip all evening and night lastnight. Another little blondie (at least till feathers come in I guess!).
So I did get 3 out of 4 of my own eggs hatched.
And 6 turkens.

No more in bator at the moment. Still waiting on blue turken eggs to be shipped. Then I think Im done hatching eggs for awhile. At least till my BR starts laying and I can put her in with my leghorn roo to hatch Production Blacks.

Congrats to everyone with new chickies!!
we have 6 eggs we set under or broody hen we did not plan this she went broody around july 29 sitting on 2 unfertile eggs. so aug 1st i got 4orp an 2 silkie eggg that are fertile that we gave her to sit on.she took them right in an i took the other 2 out.this is our first time kids are so excited.aug 19-22 cant wait
I set 1 chicken egg from Mrs. Fluffy Puffy (Shown in avatar ) in the bator August 2nd due: Sunday, August, 22nd.
I also set 6 button quail eggs in the bator Thursday, August, 5th. Due: Friday, August, 20th.
I candled the chicken egg on day 6 and it had something in it! Today is day 5 for the quail, and day 8 for the chicken egg!
I will candle again tonight.
Geepers!!! I thought I was the only one crazy enough to set eggs in aug. I have an orp mix hen, one of Meg and Suedes that has gone broodie. I just set 8 cuckoo morans and two of Velvets a BO by Suede under her. I know this heat must be brutal to them. But she won't budge. I have her extra water and have been hand feeding her part of the time. I will be so glad when this heat breaks. I have been in the mtns for 26 summers and have never seen one so hot. Oh! I know there are much hotter places but 90"s in the mtns are almost unheard of. Also the humidity is terrible another first for us. Mine are due the 30th of Aug. Just set today. Gloria Jean
Ya know, if I get the shipped eggs I want by Wednesday, and set them Thursday, then I'd have MORE new chicks just a few days after my birthday (the 30th)! And this past weekend's hatchlings would still be small enough for me to put the newest ones in the brooder with 'em.....

But that would mean I'd have to start posting in a SEPTEMBER Hatch-a-long thread....

Sorry... just thinking aloud. But I'm not addicted or anything.
Yes, There should be a september hatch-a-long!!! Unfortuneately, I will not be able to set any eggs this week because my family wil be on vacation while they are hatching, so Next week or the week after my incy should be full again. I am on the hunt for some hatching eggs, though. I am getting tired of trying to hatch eggs from my flock.

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