*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

They are (3) Barred Rocks & what I'm calling a mystery. It's a Buff Orp x Dixie Rainbow. I'm not pulling them out just yet but ...

i'd wait another day or 2. i'll keep the chickies in my thoughts. maybe they are just taking their time.
So, it is now day 21 and there are 4 silkies and 5 BCM chicks in my brooder from before today XD God they are so cute and LITTLE. I have gotten so used to the peachicks that have gotten monstrously large that when these little bantam silkies hatched I could scarcely believe my eyes!

3 buff silkies and a white... and while I'm very happy for them, I'm also disappointed none of the blue or black have hatched- and I lost a black one that drown due to pipping on the wrong side
I may have to get some BBS ONLY eggs next time. I just got a call to say one of the BCM died, but she wasn't clear on whether it was one of the five or whether it was a new one that hatched and died. I told her to take a picture, so we will see. There was one that had pipped, zipped, and stopped before I left and I was worried about its health anyway. It looked like it had mass quantities of fluid under its skin, with bubbles in the fluid... so I wasn't hopeful. Poor thing.

Been having some trouble with my auto turner... the arm has been slipping off the attachment and dumping the remaining eggs on the floor. I have been sneaking in turns instead because I can't leave them unturned through this hatch. I tried to fix it in small, quick increments today before I left (I am in Indiana today and tomorrow, so I had to leave my mom with the hatch!) so we will see. I hope they will be ok, it is their last week. I really, REALLY want this second batch of peachicks to hatch
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ok out of 16 to start with 8 made it to lock down 3 hatched 1 died that night. today is day 23. i candled last night real fast and i think i saw one breathing. some had a huge air sac is that normal? one was all black no air sac but then i saw a shadow of i think a foot is it dead? ok so what i need to know should i wait longer? i dont hear nothing when i listen. my chicks are still not walking around good. both hatched yesterday. is this normal? i have silkies
We got 5 out of 11 in the last few days. Momma hen hatched 3 of them, one hatched on it's own (after momma left the nest, as far as I know) and the last hatched yesterday after momma hen disappeared (we think a coon got her). So, four are with the hen that hatched eggs a couple weeks ago. Frankly, I was surprised that she took to them so well but she seems to be doing great with them and showing them the ropes along with the one she has left who is 2 wks old now. The last one is laying here with me, he/she looked kinda lost amidst the rest of the chickens out there and I worried so brought it in with me.
We also just opened the remaining eggs and 3 of them were fully formed, sad they didn't hatch

Anyways, here are a few pics of what we've gotten this week.


We had 13 of 14 blue eggs to hatch, for a hatch rate of 92.8%! The last egg pipped but died before it absorbed all the yolk. Have no idea why it died.
I've been super busy because we have been gifted with 26 grown guineas. We're having to build/renovate/adapt housing for them. Hope everyone has had good hatches, and I'll post pics of our babies when I can!
Candled at day 14 and all my eggs appear still alive! The two with detached aircells - one is still wobbly, the other appears to have hatched but it's a little lopsided and off center, not RIGHT at the top. I'm thinking at lockdown of using a cut out piece of egg carton to hold these two with the egg cell up - will that help at all? Or will the chick take up all the rest of the room anyways so it's kinda pointless?

I had good luck on my last (first and only) hatch with all the eggs on the sides, so I plan on keeping that for all the other eggs <keeping fingers crossed>. I have one still in the bator that I have already on my 'dead' tally but I just wasn't 100% sure so I left it in but kept it far from other eggs just in case it goes boom- no veining, no blood ring and definitely a dark lump but much less developed than the others. At day 14, is it pretty safe to say that's a quitter? It looks nothing like the other 43 eggs so I can't see how it would be good...
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I think Fluffy's egg died! It has a ring inside the egg and a black dot in the middle!

I also set 12 guinea eggs in the bator and tomorrow I will put them under a broody hen.

Sorry to hear that Mrs. Fluffy .. But I hope your guinea eggs have good luck!!!!​
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