*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Good Luck Lesalynn!
I did an eggtopsy on one that died. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=387061

other one is trying his hardest to get out. Been like this for at least 16 hours. There is a hole in the top of shell, I can see his beak perfectly but he sits there. From time to time he acts like he wants to bite off some shell, opens his mouth but nothing. Yet on the inside of the shell I can hear the tap, tap, tap. Is this all normal? I want to pull him out before I loose him. I think he is going to be the only survivor.
I hate to say it but I helped the keets out on my hatch I did last month when there was no progress after a long time. It's bad, I know.
I am going to try and sit on my hands this time but I know it's sooo hard!
I help chicks all the time, the majorly important thing to remember is to let them pip and let them push themselves out of the egg- zipping is a fairly trivial in between step and in a lot of shipped eggs or eggs where the humidity has been to high, zipping is a near impossible task because the chicks may be too large to turn. Cracking away some of the shell for them has never hurt any chick I've helped. The other thing to keep in mind is that chicks can take upwards of 24 hours to hatch- 16 hours is not uncommon or even worrisome, imo. The chick is probably exhausted from pipping and what work its already done and it's perfectly fine for it to take long breaks and just sit there breathing. The way I usually tell whether it needs to sit or not is by the condition of the inner membrane. If it still has veins visible, the chick is NOT ready to hatch, helped or not. It is still absorbing blood and though you can't see it, is still absorbing the yolk. Once the membrane has lost the veins and become opaque, THEN the chick should be hatching on its own or may need help.
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D'Angelo N Va. :

I am so sorry to hear that....that is not good. who opened the door to the bathroom?? maybe next time, after they hatch put them in a lg. container and put wire across the top of it until they can go outside to a brooder....

no one the cat got out by itself! i am trying to deside if i should get rid of the kitten or not

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