Australian Sebastapol Breeders

they are lovely and sammy looked like a beast! I bet you miss him lots.

Sammie was my love and I so miss my baby!!! He was my very first Sebastopol and Samantha. Their daughter Sassafras we have and the I sold Oliver to a wonderful lady and she is writing children educational books of Oliver's travels,
Congrats reecey on getting a Sebastopol!!! You will be spoiled rotten once you own a seb.
They find a place in your heart and make sure to burry their love right into it! There are like potatoe chips you can not have just one....
I hope you did end up getting a sebastopol and still have them. We keep a few here in SEQ and find them lovely. They are hard to sex though.

This is a young male we hand-raised this season.

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oh lol I'm not sure what's happened sorry guys. It comes up saying EMBEDDING IMAGE then nothing
are you on Facebook? I just started a group called BYC Goose Gander, maybe I might get to show my photos and chat better there?

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