I only owned one German shepherd, she was a nice dog but too protective. German shepherds are up there on the list of dogs that bite. Australian shepherds are on it too. They are a higher risk breed. They need a assertive confident owner. They have become less popular lately.

Thanks, that does make sense but I don't always 100% trust the dog bite things because like for instance "pit bull" is always on it but there's like 30 breeds and mixes they call it so it over inflates it. But that's not really the survey peoples fault, more the general public calling everything a pit, but still. Anyway, I am glad to see Chihuahua as number one and lots of small breeds on the list because they definitely bite the most but that's my other thing, I feel like a lot of people don't report bites or at least maybe not from little dogs that do no damage but would definitely report a GSD or Aussie or pit cause it does damage so there may be more wayy more small breeds biting that aren't reported.


Anyway, sorry, did not mean to argue or anything or argue the statistics or say it's totally wrong or whatever. GSDs and I'm sure Aussies are definitely protective breeds and depending on the lines, some are also nervous, fearful, or anxious, and in the wrong hands that can definitely be a problem. You're right, they need an owner that knows what they are doing and how to control them. I'm not sure they're good for first time dog owners yet they're so popular and easy to get anyone can get them. So I have no doubt they're biting people but I think it's more likely poor breeding and poor owners if you know what I mean? That maybe don't recognize the warning signs or don't know how to train it out or control them or whatever. I don't think it's the whole breed though. I mean, Aussies are right below GSDs but you still have them. I think it depends on the breeding and the owner. There are lot of people that can't handle them. But I'm sure there are also people who can and they still bite.

But all that said, I don't think I would get one atm because the protection aspect definitely scares me. I don't really want one that's wary of strangers and ready to attack. Now, theoretically, with good breeding and nerves and good training, they shouldn't be ready to attack, just maybe slightly wary, and I'm sure with the perfect combo and perfect training they can be very reliable and maybe not ready to attack but rather lay down or something instead or be so obedient that they would rather listen to me than do what they want such as bite or growl BUT I'm not sure I want to put in the extensive training and effort it would take to get to such high levels of obedience or deal with one that freaks out at the door. I'd rather just have a friendly dog from the get go. Granted, some ARE friendly naturally, hence the ones used for therapy dogs or service dogs, and some lines are probably friendlier, like I'm sure WGSL are way more stranger friendly than Czech dogs but it's still a giant guessing game and they're all still protective to a point.

Sorry for the rambling and/or arguing (though I didn't intend it to be at all) haha

And all of that said, I do still want a GSD eventually, they're amazing dogs, but maybe not now. That said, if I moved out, I think I would want a protective dog. I think I'd feel safer. But then again most apartment complexes won't allow GSDs or any dangerous dogs and I want to keep it. Then again some won't allow over a certain weight either.

I might need to get a letter for an emotional support animal. I would never fake it just to own a pet like some college kids do to have one in the dorms but I really do think I genuinely need an animal because they do help so much and I was very depressed in college and I happened to not have animals. Now, I'm not saying it was because I didn't have animals, I was also going through a lot of stuff then, and I did make some good friends during that time but still. I do think an animal would have helped. So if I can't find a place that allows pets I'll get a letter. But that said I am going to look very hard to find a pet friendly place.

I definitely don't think I need a full blown service dog and would never ever fake one of those. Although I do think I might teach it to do some tasks for home. Cause my anxiety and OCD get so bad sometimes it'd be nice to have. Just basic stuff like blocking or searching the house or stopping the compulsions (usually by pawing). Blocking being standing behind me. Usually SDs do it in stores cause some people with anxiety or PTSD or whatever don't like people getting too close but for me with the anxiety (I don't have PTSD thankfully) sometimes I get really nervous and keep looking behind me or all around so it'd be for that so I don't have to. Similar for checking the house. I sometimes get nervous going into my room. And I have this like routine I turn the bathroom lights off, shut the door really fast, check the stairs and behind the curtain (have a curtain at top to keep AC downstairs) a bunch of times each side, turn the hall and stair light off really fast, back into my room, shut door tightly, turn around quickly cause I backed in, climb in bed, under covers, get Bible, lights off. Stupid, I know. But I do it every night. Wish I didn't have to do the lights thing or check everything but I do. I do the checking and spinning around in other rooms too. A dog would make things much easier to just send him in the house to check the whole house or send him upstairs or ahead of me to check my room. But I don't really want or need a service dog so it'd be for the house. I get by in public perfectly fine and oddly don't really get any anxiety out. I like shopping actually and even sometimes talk to cashiers now. But I sometimes get OCD and I get major anxiety at concerts too but oddly not because of the crowds like you might think. Mostly meeting band members. Or when I want to move to a better spot in the crowd. I'm too nice to push people or even say excuse me lol and I get nervous going in but alone I'm usually fine. Think it's cause of my mother stressing me out. You know that one. I won't say it here. But concerts are way too inconvenient to bring a dog and too loud and chaotic plus dangerous if someone steps on him, annoying if venue staff argue it, and I would DEFINITELY never get a good spot on the floor/pit if I had a dog with me, etc. So even if I DID need or acquire a service dog, I wouldn't bring him to shows, so it'd be useless cause that's where most of my anxiety is. So yeah.

Sorry for that completely random tangent that has nothing to do with this thread LOL
Oh and actually usually it includes one full spin around before going in my room, you know, because I was busy checking the curtain/down the stairs. And I usually just head straight for the bed. Plug my phone in, fluff the pillows, you get the idea I guess. Once I'm in my room it's usually fine, the major compulsion I guess is the lights and the checking cause sometimes I flip the switches a bunch too.

Sorry. Idk why tf I'm saying all this. Sometimes I forget we're not in PM lol
Oh and actually usually it includes one full spin around before going in my room, you know, because I was busy checking the curtain/down the stairs. And I usually just head straight for the bed. Plug my phone in, fluff the pillows, you get the idea I guess. Once I'm in my room it's usually fine, the major compulsion I guess is the lights and the checking cause sometimes I flip the switches a bunch too.

Sorry. Idk why tf I'm saying all this. Sometimes I forget we're not in PM lol
:lau we can continue in pm if you want.
Thanks, that does make sense but I don't always 100% trust the dog bite things because like for instance "pit bull" is always on it but there's like 30 breeds and mixes they call it so it over inflates it. But that's not really the survey peoples fault, more the general public calling everything a pit, but still. Anyway, I am glad to see Chihuahua as number one and lots of small breeds on the list because they definitely bite the most but that's my other thing, I feel like a lot of people don't report bites or at least maybe not from little dogs that do no damage but would definitely report a GSD or Aussie or pit cause it does damage so there may be more wayy more small breeds biting that aren't reported.


Anyway, sorry, did not mean to argue or anything or argue the statistics or say it's totally wrong or whatever. GSDs and I'm sure Aussies are definitely protective breeds and depending on the lines, some are also nervous, fearful, or anxious, and in the wrong hands that can definitely be a problem. You're right, they need an owner that knows what they are doing and how to control them. I'm not sure they're good for first time dog owners yet they're so popular and easy to get anyone can get them. So I have no doubt they're biting people but I think it's more likely poor breeding and poor owners if you know what I mean? That maybe don't recognize the warning signs or don't know how to train it out or control them or whatever. I don't think it's the whole breed though. I mean, Aussies are right below GSDs but you still have them. I think it depends on the breeding and the owner. There are lot of people that can't handle them. But I'm sure there are also people who can and they still bite.

But all that said, I don't think I would get one atm because the protection aspect definitely scares me. I don't really want one that's wary of strangers and ready to attack. Now, theoretically, with good breeding and nerves and good training, they shouldn't be ready to attack, just maybe slightly wary, and I'm sure with the perfect combo and perfect training they can be very reliable and maybe not ready to attack but rather lay down or something instead or be so obedient that they would rather listen to me than do what they want such as bite or growl BUT I'm not sure I want to put in the extensive training and effort it would take to get to such high levels of obedience or deal with one that freaks out at the door. I'd rather just have a friendly dog from the get go. Granted, some ARE friendly naturally, hence the ones used for therapy dogs or service dogs, and some lines are probably friendlier, like I'm sure WGSL are way more stranger friendly than Czech dogs but it's still a giant guessing game and they're all still protective to a point.

Sorry for the rambling and/or arguing (though I didn't intend it to be at all) haha

And all of that said, I do still want a GSD eventually, they're amazing dogs, but maybe not now. That said, if I moved out, I think I would want a protective dog. I think I'd feel safer. But then again most apartment complexes won't allow GSDs or any dangerous dogs and I want to keep it. Then again some won't allow over a certain weight either.

I might need to get a letter for an emotional support animal. I would never fake it just to own a pet like some college kids do to have one in the dorms but I really do think I genuinely need an animal because they do help so much and I was very depressed in college and I happened to not have animals. Now, I'm not saying it was because I didn't have animals, I was also going through a lot of stuff then, and I did make some good friends during that time but still. I do think an animal would have helped. So if I can't find a place that allows pets I'll get a letter. But that said I am going to look very hard to find a pet friendly place.

I definitely don't think I need a full blown service dog and would never ever fake one of those. Although I do think I might teach it to do some tasks for home. Cause my anxiety and OCD get so bad sometimes it'd be nice to have. Just basic stuff like blocking or searching the house or stopping the compulsions (usually by pawing). Blocking being standing behind me. Usually SDs do it in stores cause some people with anxiety or PTSD or whatever don't like people getting too close but for me with the anxiety (I don't have PTSD thankfully) sometimes I get really nervous and keep looking behind me or all around so it'd be for that so I don't have to. Similar for checking the house. I sometimes get nervous going into my room. And I have this like routine I turn the bathroom lights off, shut the door really fast, check the stairs and behind the curtain (have a curtain at top to keep AC downstairs) a bunch of times each side, turn the hall and stair light off really fast, back into my room, shut door tightly, turn around quickly cause I backed in, climb in bed, under covers, get Bible, lights off. Stupid, I know. But I do it every night. Wish I didn't have to do the lights thing or check everything but I do. I do the checking and spinning around in other rooms too. A dog would make things much easier to just send him in the house to check the whole house or send him upstairs or ahead of me to check my room. But I don't really want or need a service dog so it'd be for the house. I get by in public perfectly fine and oddly don't really get any anxiety out. I like shopping actually and even sometimes talk to cashiers now. But I sometimes get OCD and I get major anxiety at concerts too but oddly not because of the crowds like you might think. Mostly meeting band members. Or when I want to move to a better spot in the crowd. I'm too nice to push people or even say excuse me lol and I get nervous going in but alone I'm usually fine. Think it's cause of my mother stressing me out. You know that one. I won't say it here. But concerts are way too inconvenient to bring a dog and too loud and chaotic plus dangerous if someone steps on him, annoying if venue staff argue it, and I would DEFINITELY never get a good spot on the floor/pit if I had a dog with me, etc. So even if I DID need or acquire a service dog, I wouldn't bring him to shows, so it'd be useless cause that's where most of my anxiety is. So yeah.

Sorry for that completely random tangent that has nothing to do with this thread LOL
Definitely not arguing, I enjoy a good discussion. For certain breeds a certain owner is needed for those breeds to be good dogs. Many herding breeds are bred to have that extra forward behaviors in order to herd animals. They also can be more prone to nip and have dominance issues because of that breeding. You are less likely to have problems if you understand that and work to keep that stuff under control and to keep a dog well exercised.

German shepherds can be just as wonderful dogs as Chihuahuas can be, but interactions with each breed can be different. Chihuahua are often picked up to stop aggression, but in my Chihuahua mix it sets aggression off. Holding back any dog can fuel aggression.

I would love a helper monkey, so I can't judge your want of a support dog. :) My dogs are emotional support dogs to me, but I prefer them safely at home. Hard enough to shop at Wal-Mart with my husband. I can't imagine a dog along. :gig
:lau we can continue in pm if you want.

LOL sure. Though I already completely made my problems public :lau

Definitely not arguing, I enjoy a good discussion. For certain breeds a certain owner is needed for those breeds to be good dogs. Many herding breeds are bred to have that extra forward behaviors in order to herd animals. They also can be more prone to nip and have dominance issues because of that breeding. You are less likely to have problems if you understand that and work to keep that stuff under control and to keep a dog well exercised.

German shepherds can be just as wonderful dogs as Chihuahuas can be, but interactions with each breed can be different. Chihuahua are often picked up to stop aggression, but in my Chihuahua mix it sets aggression off. Holding back any dog can fuel aggression.

I would love a helper monkey, so I can't judge your want of a support dog. :) My dogs are emotional support dogs to me, but I prefer them safely at home. Hard enough to shop at Wal-Mart with my husband. I can't imagine a dog along. :gig

Thanks, you're definitely right about certain dogs needing certain owners and I never even thought of the herding and dominance tendencies. It makes sense. Even with dogs bred to be gentler or herd sheep or chickens or something they still have to correct or round up strays. Just gentler than ones bred for tough bulls. So I guess they all can be dominant.

Exercise is definitely important though.

And UGH yes with people picking up little dogs! I am at this today


And most of the dogs are really calm and nice, I'm actually amazed how well everyone gets along and how well behaved despite there being SOO many dogs here. Some don't even want to say hi or just a quick sniff. The only thing I've seen a GSD growl and bark at a pit bull, not sure who started it, but GSD barked at a Lab too. Only other thing was, yup, a Chihuahua FREAKING OUT at a dog that walked by. Owner picked him up. Freaked more. Kept alternating between picking him up and putting him back down. Picked him up when he went bad and also petted him and stuff. That's rewarding the behavior not "comforting him" or whatever you think you are doing by doing that lol saw another little dog bark too. And one in a stroller but he was well behaved. Seems the little dogs are babied lol but the dogs have to be socialized and leashed. Which I think maybe helps.

And thank you, I appreciate it! I think I need a companion or helper for home. And yeah, I like shopping and usually go alone so it's pretty easy but taking a dog would be a pain in the rear lol plus then you gotta deal with people constantly trying to pet your dog or ask questions or harass you about having it, etc. (I follow lots of SD YouTubes and Instagrams and stuff lol) so yeah, don't need that lol
I'm so jealous. I would love going to something like that.

My biggest pet peeve is people at the vets petting and saying you're a good dog to dogs barking and pulling and generally acting like animals. I sit quietly and mostly ignore my dogs at the vet. They sit quietly too. The vet loves my dogs, especially after dealing with all those other ones.

An owner can dictate a dogs personality as they pick up on your attitude. A scared, or nervous owner can cause a dog to become protective and aggressive.
Spoke a little too soon. Just saw a fight between a Lab and a bulldog. That was the only thing I've seen all day though and I more heard it than saw it but I turned around. I think it was mostly just noise as both dogs seem fine.

And just heard another aggressive bark and snarl.

But it's the end of the day so I think dogs are hot and tired. Some dogs have been here since 9 or earlier I'm sure
Spoke a little too soon. Just saw a fight between a Lab and a bulldog. That was the only thing I've seen all day though and I more heard it than saw it but I turned around. I think it was mostly just noise as both dogs seem fine.

And just heard another aggressive bark and snarl.

But it's the end of the day so I think dogs are hot and tired. Some dogs have been here since 9 or earlier I'm sure
Dogs can only take so much too. :)
I'm so jealous. I would love going to something like that.

My biggest pet peeve is people at the vets petting and saying you're a good dog to dogs barking and pulling and generally acting like animals. I sit quietly and mostly ignore my dogs at the vet. They sit quietly too. The vet loves my dogs, especially after dealing with all those other ones.

An owner can dictate a dogs personality as they pick up on your attitude. A scared, or nervous owner can cause a dog to become protective and aggressive.

It was so fun but I think we stayed a little too long cause now I'm kinda tired/headache but it was fun. So many dogs lol but there were places to get away from the bustle too with less dogs.

And yeah exactly! It's the worst. Like stop rewarding it lol it's not a little kid.

And I forgot this lady was sitting at a table so she held the dog and it was easier to pick up and put down at a table when one dog walked away but yeah. Holding it does nothing lol he should he down learning how to socialize and/or be corrected when he does that just like a big dog would be.

Dogs can only take so much too. :)

Very true! And personally I don't think I would stay the entire day if I had brought a dog. Maybe a few hours in the afternoon. I saw some dogs I saw earlier still there when we left. Granted we only got there like 11 or 11:30 but still a long time and some probably arrived at 9. I would either leave early or go sit in the car with a crate with AC or sit in a shaded spot away from the crowds and dogs and give the dog a break. Lots of people did utilize the shade and the cooling stations (kiddie pools and misters) but still. Some people just want the experience and the shopping and shows/events and don't care about the dog's comfort and safety. And I mean, yeah it is really fun, but dog should come first. Idk.

Anyway, so sorry, thought I replied hours ago lol

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