Australians - Where are you all????

My heart goes out to those effected by bushfires. To FancyChookLady, I'm sorry to hear you lost one. I used to live in Tassie, in Launceston. I dream about Tassie. Miss it dearly. We had more of week above 40 here over Christmas and New Years. Luckily my chicks were very small so I could take them inside. I have a mixed flock with one silver laced wyandotte. I really hope she turns out to be a girl. They are the prettiest birds.
It's hard to imagine 45 degree heat where I am now, but I'm thinking of everyone affected by the bushfires. I saw them on the news.
Our oldest hen has recently died, I am informed.
Tough old bugger, may she rest in peace. :p
Hi every one, I think I've already put some stuff up here but it's been a very long time, I have been on the other Aussie thread.
Hope every one is having fun with their girls and boys.
My sympathy goes out to all who have been affected in the fires lately.
I have just got some new DUCKS to add to my flock of 20 hens and a couple chicks and pullets and bantams. The ducks are Runners.
Hi everyone,
I'm in Albany, Western Australia, about 4 hours or so south of Perth. I built my chook pen, and currently have a Frizzle, silky, australorp, Sussex, buff Sussex, 16 baby silkys and 5 of which I am unsure...
Hi eveyone hope you are all surviving this heat and the girls are coping it's my first summer with my girls and i feel for them any ideas to keeping then cool . tried the hose but they just ran off
Hi lilliychick
- apart from a good supply of fresh water, preferably sitting in the shade, do your girls get any shade from shrubs or trees.
I have found that shade from natural greenery is far and away much more cooling than tin roofs, shadecloth etc.
If they don't have access to shrubs maybe you could rig up some sort of frame and put shade cloth over it and hose that down to create a cool breeze??
It will take time for them to get used to anything new/strange in their run
good luck
Hey all,

I'm in Gowanbrae, Victoria. It's about 14km North from Melbourne CBD. Good to see so many Aussies on this site. I have 2 Belgian D'uccle but looking to expand.

Hi everyone,
I'm in Albany, Western Australia, about 4 hours or so south of Perth. I built my chook pen, and currently have a Frizzle, silky, australorp, Sussex, buff Sussex, 16 baby silkys and 5 of which I am unsure...

Hey guys! :frow
Hi lilliychick :frow  - apart from a good supply of fresh water, preferably sitting in the shade, do your girls get any shade from shrubs or trees.
I have found that shade from natural greenery is far and away much more cooling than tin roofs, shadecloth etc.
If they don't have access to shrubs maybe you could rig up some sort of frame and put shade cloth over it and hose that down to create a cool breeze??
It will take time for them to get used to anything new/strange in their run
good luck :)

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