Australians - Where are you all????

Thanks, I have gone with Brown Leghorn Bantams. We got 10 hens and rooster today

You are welcome. And well done .... 10 hens and a roo. They should all be happy.
Must comment on the big plastic container of goodies you give your chooks. I feel SO ashamed.
I am a real fussy britches, and tend to cut up my chook scraps, throwing out anything that looks suspect ?? which results in less tucker to nibble on. Nuffin wrong with me ? I will try to be better in future and keep a bowl at least handy, into which everything will go ... ( well, almost everything !! ). Glad to know you are getting on well with your chicken raising.

Cheers .... AB
ooops ... messed something up here !!! Anyone else having trouble with posting / replying ?

not at the moment - mine is working great for a change!

If you really want to do something good for your chickens "scraps" wise. Build your compost heap in their pen. They scratch around and turn it over, get any worms or bugs that come up through the base and anything that you think looks a bit "suspect" you can bury in the bottom of the heap.
not at the moment - mine is working great for a change!

If you really want to do something good for your chickens "scraps" wise. Build your compost heap in their pen. They scratch around and turn it over, get any worms or bugs that come up through the base and anything that you think looks a bit "suspect" you can bury in the bottom of the heap.
Thanks Tillyita. As mentioned, I am too fussy about what my girls eat ... I must back off on that. They free range ok - so they are digging up the garden for goodies. Only two of them free range - so they don't do too much damage. The third, my little Araucana Mindy, gets upset with free ranging ... is very stressed, so I put her back in her run - to try another day. Will do all the scraps, leaves, anything I can find to make a compost heap away from rain if possible - that's the only problem here ( Victoria ) .... rain by the gallons. Hopefully it will warm up soon. Mindy has begun laying again,and the two big girls are very very near it. Combs are red, and they are squatting in front of me. So eggs are on the way. I often throw out used straw into their run, they turn that over and find bugs. But it's not enough I know.

I make a mash of rice, vegies, bran, raw rolled oats, scissor cut grass and / or vegetable greens plus scratch mix for them about twice a week. They go nuts over that. And they get scratch mix on several other days, by itself on the ground.

Again - thanks for your reply and advice.

Cheers ........ AB
I am form Perth WA am only 14 and am on this website all the time and absolutely love it . I currently own 1 SLW Rooster 3 Silkie cross sussex 2 pairs of old english bantams a pair of pekins a muscovy a pair of turkeys a trio of standard comb plymouth rocks and a mulberry comb plymouth rock. and recently got 3 geese. Hoping in the future to get some guineas and peafowl

Shell-less eggs can be result of excessive heat. I don't know where you live in Australia but at the moment we are having very hot weather in Queensland and chickens do not do so well if they are heat-stressed. Shell-less eggs can be a result.

What's the weather been like where you are?
We have had that with out ducks and they lay really hard shell what happened was that they were low in calcium so we have been giving them cuttle fish you can get from the beach our get shell grit from your local petstore then that should get the shell to go hard again but if that does'nt work then it could just be the weather but by the sounds of it the fact is that they need more calcium

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