Australians - Where are you all????

thats great. Any pics yet??
thats great. Any pics yet??

Nothing yet..... But I can see more of it- and yes I think it will turn out all white when grown. Its very squished in there. I think that is one reason why not to set smaller eggs- I have had to remove some egg shell for it to be able to move. Runners have such long necks too - so it does look a little different in the egg to my Pekin ducklings. Im just waiting and watching now... Hopefully by tomorrow morning_ i will have the first generation of my Runners hatched and running around the brooder.
Hope all goes well for you... I can still remember my first time...I took annual leave from work to make sure I didnt miss a moment of it.

Exciting times...........
Thank you for your advice Kezabel and for taking the trouble to find me those websites , and your kind thoughts Ducky! The 2 remaining chicks with Cocci have responded really well to the Baycox, one dose and the bloody droppings are no more. So think that I will stick with that. Shocked at how quickly Cocci can kill, yesterday the chick was running around cheeping and eating,this morning it was dead, Thank goodness I was able to save the other 2. As to the incubation, one more day to go and we have the worst storm imaginable here! I keep waiting for the power to go! Fortunately I have 3 Broodies sitting on eggs but it means running across the paddock in the dark holding eggs! NOT something I would be keen on doing. I'll let you know how it all goes. Thanks.
Power failures are now my worst nightmare... EXCEPT...... I bought a block of land two years ago- and have become quite handy at fixing stuff up and since we have no power up at the shed where we stay on weekends- we have had to use a generator- and solar powered lights. - so I saw a power inverter once while shopping and bought it. I never got around to getting a battery yet- but it will run off a car battery and give off plenty of power to run the incubator and a light globe - All I need if the power does go out. I can remember last spring when I fisrt got my incubator..The first time the power went out...I was calm...but my daughter was in a complete panic. That first one only laasted 3/4 of an hour- but it was enough to see a huge drop in the temp in the bator. Even after a power failure of 6 hours in a late hatch- I still ended up with lots of babies. So late in the incubation - You could almost stick them in the brooder rather than going outside in the rain. I once hatched a duckling on a hot water bottle when we were going away for the weekend.

Good luck anyway- and I hope the power stays on for you.
Hi, again, Would you believe that half of the town lost power, but we didn't! So I sat here all day resisting the temptation to lift the lid on the incubator, but I looked,and looked and looked, every time I walked past I looked in. Nothing was happening and I was feeling disheartened, so I gave in,opened the lid, picked up an egg and put it to my ear -"cheep,cheep,cheep" loud and clear!
and when I put the egg back I could actually see it moving, like a little tremble. It's SO exciting! How long do they take to break out? Don't think I'll sleep a wink, I'll be checking the incubator all night!

Now I know how Dads feel whilst they are waiting for the birth!!
Well seeing this little one will either help you through until yours hatch....or make you even more anxious.
It did need a little help...But here is what my third home laid egg turned into !!!


wooklet- I hope they dont keep you waiting too long - but it can be 24 hours after the first pip until they start to unzip or hatch. i do love seeing the eggs wobble thuogh...its so cute when the eggs talk to you too..

So glad you didnt loose power too...That must have been a huge relief to you.
That is so adorable! Was it o.k.? My husband just aasked me if I wanted to move the bed next to the incubator which is in the kitchen! I told him that the next time the incubator would be by the bed! I thought it would take a long time to hatch so I guess I'll just have to be patient! I'll keep you updated.

Its still very weak... and I was impatient in setting some of the vey first eggs laid by a young duck- but its alive and doing a comando crawl all over the incubator. I think it is a little dehydrated and I cant get it to drink yet. At least just having the one- I can open the incubator now its dried off.

I do have my hatcher beside my bed- and Regie my disabled duck- and two little pekin ducklings as well...and NO !! There is no husband here
I wouldnt be able to get away with it if I was married Im sure.

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