Australians - Where are you all????

Congatulations!!!!!!! Sikies are just gorgeous..with all my ducks here I dont have room for chooks as well...but I do have just one...yes its a sikie. Talk about personality - this little one has plenty.

I hate selling my babies...But I know it is a fact of breeding that I must. The majority of mine go to good haomes. I have a few people on a waiting list at the moment- so I figure if they are willing to wait a few weeks- they are more likely to "REALLY" want the birds and will take care of them better than someone who makes a rash descision on the spot like at an auction.

Good luck with the last few eggs..
Thanks..I have the next few eggs in the hatcher already too...I dont know where I am going to start putting all these ducklings....
I have another half dozen eggs due in two weeks...and am going to put more eggs in this weekend as well!!! I think it is time for me to seek professional help... I CANT STOP INCUBATING!!!!!!!!!!!
We have just had a tragedy! I had the most beautiful FRizzle hen who had 7 little chickens,it was bedtime so I called them all to the coop, and as she was running across to it a heavy log fell off the woodpile and broke her neck.
I put that log up there earlier and now I am devastated, I just sat there beside her body and cried my eyes out. And now we have 7 very confused little chickens. I have put them in a broody box with a light on them, and knowing chickens by tomorrow they will have forgotten all about her (??), but I can't forget. She was a beautiful Frizzle, and I was so looking forward to her having lots of babies, and now because of my carelessness she's gone. What a stupid, freaky thing to happen, I still can't believer it!
What a terrible freak accident...I am so sorry to hear of your loss..Those poor little chicks..

Dont be too hard on yourself..You werent to know that log would fall..... Its not like you shoved a fox in the coop...Accidents do happen...
What a difference a day makes! I should have stayed away from the computer after that accident , I was so upset - sorry to put a gloom on things. The little chickens are going well, I have put them in a rabbit hutch with 4 other chickens, and now they are all running around as if nothing has happened, and there are 3 beautiful Frizzles amonst the chicks, so all is not lost. Still sad about Mama, but as you so rightly say accidents will happen, and chicks seems to be more resilient than I am.

Was on the verge of replying to your e mail Ducky when the accident happened, to say that you gave me a good laugh by saying that you need professional help, and can;t stop incubating eggs!!
I have 16 in the incubator, 6 in the mail, and another 12 ordered. My silkies have started to lay again, and hubby has caught it now, he walked in with 2 eggs this morning and asked if he should keep them for the incubator! I've also set up an electric frypan, as I have been wanting to try incubating in one for a long time. I put damp paper towels in the base, and have it on the lowest setting. The lid is glass, and I can see what is happening, the temp is steady on 100, but the humidity is very high, anyone tried this before? If so, any hints? So, we have 2 incubators going now, and as you say, what do we do with all the little ones?????? We got chickens to eat the eggs, now we have all the eggs in incubators!
Hi Everyone - am so enjoying this site, learning heaps. Now I think I want more chooks, Silkies and some ducks. But council bylaws allows me only 6 fowl so I am at my limits. I could go illegal.. but won't push my luck.

Can I ask a question that I haven't been able to work out yet. I notice in threads that letters are used, that obviously stand for something.
I know that BTW stands for by the way. But OP; IMO; ETA have me stumped. Are you able to shed light on it for me??
Hi Annbella..Glad you are enjoying the site..and found where to come for some local chat as well.

My local council allows 10 "poultry" but no roosters. So currently I have 17 ducks out in the yard... 3 quail on the back verandah, 8 ducklings and 1 Silkie chicken in the loungeroom and 1 duckling beside my bed with a few eggs still in the incubator...
I often go and speak to my neighbours and ask about noise..No one minds hearing a duck occasionally - I just like to keep things friendly. I think they appreciate the fact that I do ask- and not just assume its ok unless someone does go to the council to complain.

There are so many I didnt see before I had come here...DH is dear heart I found out ...not defacto husband...
I thought there were alot of unmarried people on this site until I found out that one...

I think...
OP... Original Poster...IE- the peerson who started a tread.
IMO In My Opinion
IMHO In my Honest Opinion
ETA edited to add.

Wooklet- I look forward to hearing about your frypan incubator experience. I have heard of people doing it... and having good hatches too..
I advertised to sell some of my eggs. As I knew I couldnt incubate them all. I have five ducks laying- and I dont eat there eggs at all. I am trying to stick to a dozen eggs into the bator every two weeks.- And now that I have gotten through the backlog in orders I had for eggs..I will have to contact people who emailed me- but I had to say no- until I got through all the orders I had. Then I can advertise again. I got orders for 8 dozen eggs and 3 people waiting from just one add...and the money goes towards the upkeep of the adult ducks.

PS..... Look what happened at my place today

Thanks so much for that info - it's been driving me crazy not knowing what it might stand for. I am also glad I found where to come for local chat also.

My DH is law abiding to a fault (Can that ever be a fault?) So when I mention more chooks he always states the council bylaws to me. I want silkies and so say to him that realllly are they chickens, they could be an exotic ground dwelling parrot or something,
he just raises his eyebrows at me and says 'No". Then I try the angle of, they could live insides with us, just 2 little cuties, surely that won't count then. I get the same eyebrow thing happening.

It's important to have him as my ally not my foe
but I know he willl weaken at some stage, so am not giving up.

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