Australians - Where are you all????

Didn't get home til late last night and there were 2 babies that i could see of. I will do my best today to get pictures. I am for now at least going to leave the babies with mumma scovey. She seems to really love them so I don't have the heart to take them from her.
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A neighbour of mine has six hens and got two new chicks - we're not allowed roosters in the area, so I don't think I've ever seen one outside of a farm before
The other day, we heard a crow coming from over the fence. One of their chicks was a rooster! I had to peek through at the handsome fellow. I hope they'll be getting chicks, wouldn't that be exciting?
I wish I could have a rooster here. I would be pushing the friendship I have with my neighbours though - what with my honking goose and 20 ducks and three chooks already. Not to mention the babies that will have to go live outside very soon. I would love to hatch some more chickens- but just cant justify buying eggs every time.
Oh, you gotta love a good goose
Nobody around here owns geese, I love the things but haven't seen any for years

The rooster next door... which is about 40-50m away, doesn't make much noise. You can hear his faint crowing from inside the house, but he really isn't any bother at all to us.
Long story so I wont get into it...but I had the chance to meet a neighbour over the back and three houses down this morning... I asked her if she ever heard ducks and geese- she said yes- but that it didnt bother her at all. I made an offer of some fresh ducks eggs for cooking- so good to know I have another neighbour on side. I spent the day outside in the yard- building a chook pen for the daughters chooks.... The little ones are picking on the bigger SLW so I had to make her her own little pen. The I moved the 2 pekins and the Aylesbury to a new pen- and top dressed what was left in their old pen and put down some more lawn seed. Filled up the swimming pool and just watched the goose and ducks for about an hour. It was just so gorgeous to see them playing.
Whenever I have a chance to go visit a river or lake or someplace they have waterfowl, it is sweet to see them chasing each other and splashing around
Occasionally a group of ducks will harass another one - that's always interesting to watch. They'll pull each others' tails

A number of people who own swimming pools around here get wild ducks and geese landing in them during the warmer months.

We'll give our chickens' eggs to friends. We usually get a big surplus of eggs as they both lay every day, and we don't eat eggs all that often. People appreciate good free range eggs.

I just joined too and am new to this too, I'm in Kilmore Vic and love my feathered friends 81 chooks, 3 emus, 4 guinea fowl, 8 muscovies, 6 geese and a magpie as well as 2 dogs, 1 cat and 14 goats oh and a few fish too. OHHH and 2 ratbags aged 7 and 5. Hope there are a few more Ozies out there. I look forward to sharing info with everyone and love to hear other peoples stories and advice. Hope we get to chat from time to time. I was successful in fixing a chick with a crossed beak problem, its now perfectly straight and has been for 4 weeks now and don't know where to post my experience. I found this site in search of advice for crooked beaks but no-one knew how to fix it, well stubborn me, I did, persistance pays.
For all the Mums out there Happy Mothers Day hope you got spoilt rotten.
Hi There madaboutchooks.
Nice to have some more Victorians aboard. 3 emus?? That sure would be interesting. What breed of geese do you have. I have Indian Runner ducks and Chinese geese myself...and LOVE them.

Hi! Nice to see new faces around here

I have a friend who'd be really jealous about the emus

I'm glad the beak got fixed. You can post about it here if you want, or maybe in 'Raising baby chicks'.
Sorry for no pictures of the baby ducks so far. I am having major issues with my pc not wanting to upload anything from my mobile. If i can't get it to work will try on the weekend to use hubbys camera he uses for work to take some pictures then.
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