Australians - Where are you all????

I missed the last one. I was going to go- but it was the same weekend as Geelong, and I sold the last of my available ducks there. I think they have two each year - so might have to go to the next one. I might go check on their club web site now for info about their next show as well as Auction.. Kyneton is a great little club-

Satay... fingers are crossed for the ggs..

Wooklet... Are you thinking of trying to hatch some

I really like it there, where are you from ?
Would you recomend Geelong, is that on every Monday or once a month ?
I am in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne- But work full time- so week days are out for me with the Geelong sale. I will ask around at the Poultry show this weekend- we have a few people coming up from Geelong that will know more about it.
My Emus are still young so they haven't started laying but it's the male that sits on the eggs and raises the chicks the mum lays them and takes off.
Many people eat them and say they are delicious scrabled, 1 feeds a family, other people use them to paint on or for egg decorating.
I wouldn't incubate them !

Wow, the male takes care of the eggs? That's pretty cool! I've never heard of other species that do that before

In the UK, we had a ranger at a local park we frequented give us an ostrich egg that the bird had laid. They didn't want to have to rear any other chicks, so we got the egg as we were on the scene! It was still warm and all. Unfortunately, my mother put it in the wrong hands and we never saw it again
beautiful thing it was too!

If only men were Emus what a great life this would be, no just joking, I love my babies and I love beeing a mum, I know that sea horses pass their eggs into the males pouch and leave the work to him but they are the only 2 species that I know of.
Pitty about the Ostrich egg they are lovely too but the emus are not round or white they are a dark torquise green and are textured, they really are lovely, when we got our emus as babies there were 2 eggs that didn't hatch and we were given them, my hubby blew them got all the gunk out and they are displayed in my china cabinet.
Which show is on this weekend ?
Thank you I would very much appriciate it ?
Next Kynetton is on in July I think there is also one in Yarra Glen, I've always wanted to go but never got around to it, fees are 20% commision that's a bit costly what do you think ?
Its the Footscray Poultry club Show. We have 2 a year- this one - and then again in Late July. I handed the books over tonight... 348 entries. I have 8 ducks in- and my daughter is showing a further 6 birds. Some of them arent quite ready yet- another two weeks and I would be happier with them -But they are going anyway.

I also sell at the Footscray Auctions. We run a helmsman so you only pay $3 or $4 for each pen you use on the day. I think Kyneton have the helsmans type as well. So much better than 20 % commission.
Wow, the male takes care of the eggs? That's pretty cool! I've never heard of other species that do that before

In the UK, we had a ranger at a local park we frequented give us an ostrich egg that the bird had laid. They didn't want to have to rear any other chicks, so we got the egg as we were on the scene! It was still warm and all. Unfortunately, my mother put it in the wrong hands and we never saw it again
beautiful thing it was too!

If only men were Emus what a great life this would be, no just joking, I love my babies and I love beeing a mum, I know that sea horses pass their eggs into the males pouch and leave the work to him but they are the only 2 species that I know of.
Pitty about the Ostrich egg they are lovely too but the emus are not round or white they are a dark torquise green and are textured, they really are lovely, when we got our emus as babies there were 2 eggs that didn't hatch and we were given them, my hubby blew them got all the gunk out and they are displayed in my china cabinet.

Yeah, it would!

Mmm, it's an interesting inversion of nature, isn't it? I wonder what the female does while the male's raising her young. Find another guy?

Those emu eggs sound lovely. I actually haven't ever seen one before, but they sound absolutely gorgeous. Do you have any pictures?
Well... Half the birds are penned for tomorrow out at the pavillion. The goose is out there so that the Neighbours dont get a rude awakening at 6 am by an angry goose. One more duck is in the kitchen drying off- and waiting for the daughter to get off the phone so she can bring Monty in for a final wash... Then I can cage the rest of the birds and pack the car for an early start to the morning... Wish us luck... With 14 birds between us.. We have to at least come home with a few cars...if not trophies or sashes..
Hello im from Perth, great to see a few aussies in here.

It's great here I have learnt alot from people in here about raising chickens so much great knowledge.

And welcome.
Hi everyone I know I'm not new to to this site but I really need some help, I'm trying to find somewhere in Australia a jersey giant I have looked everywhere I would be very appreciative if you could help. And I would like to know if you can get cocks and hens as I might start to breed them and try getting them known in Australia.

Thanks From Jai, Australia:jumpy:cd

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