Australians - Where are you all????

She's precious,Ducky, knows when your hand is there!

We had 17 degrees today,it was lovely! More please

I dont know what it reached here- but it felt like 20. Stevie can see just a little - light and dark mostly- I always put my hand out for her when I go near her - so I dont know if she does it from habit- or she can see it is my hand. Usually i have a worm or treat for her too- so she knows to look for something. I hope she can see enough to make out the movement of my hand.
Hey Aussies!

How's everyone been?
I got a GFM!
I'm going to question my prime suspect now

What does everyone think of the news that they're considering scrapping the 5 cent coin due to a rise in metal prices, by the way? That could be very interesting.
It could make things very interesting .. Maybe they should just look at how to make it cheaper....

I went for a drive up to my block of land today. Stopped at Creswick on the way home hoping to do a few hours gold detecting. We found a huge open cut mine area- which some locals find a good place for some target practice. My daughter was terrified of the possibility of a stray bullet ( not that it could have ended up where we were detecting ) and ran off to st in the car yelling at me to come back so we could leave and be safe.
I jsut enjoy getting out in the bush- and could hardly hear the shots with the headphones on anyway. At least we got home earlier than planned...but that just meant more time to do the housework.
They could always make plastic ones

That might, however, not be the best idea

Gold detecting! That sounds like it could be quite a ball. The bush is certainly a great place... I have been interstate and into the bush several times. Especially staying in the towns, that's a very interesting experience. I can't say I would choose to live there over the city, but it was nice seeing how a small town operates. It gets very quiet there at nights, makes the world seem like a helluva bigger place!

The best thing about being out of the city, I would have to say, is the stars. Stars as so hard to see in the midst of all these lights.
And most of them are planes, anyhow
I miss seeing the stars at night when I sleep over up there. I havent slept up there much over the last year- but have planned a trip up very soon. I have some clear strips in the roof and love to just lie there and watch the sky. During a thunder storm is the best.
Wow, yes, most people I know are terrified of thunderstorms, but I love to sit there and watch the lightning. There's something quite pretty about it, actually

You can see things like shooting stars out where it's clearer. People tell me there are actually a lot of them around: I am yet to have seen one myself.
I kept a few of the old $1 and $2 notes. I may even have one of the paper $5. But I also have some old coins- a few of the round 50 cent peices- and assorted other Australian coins - mostly pennies. I do have one though- no idea where from as it is quite warn- but i can make out the date 1817 on it. I will have to do some research one day and find out what it is.
Yes i was, we were right smack bang in the middle of it all. Luckily for me we live on the side of the hill so our house was not flooded but we were stuck in our acerage for over a week. Our little town like so many here went under so we had no fuel or ways to buy food for nearly 2 weeks. In saying all of that we faired much better then our neighbouring towns of grantham, toowoomba etc.

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