Australians - Where are you all????

Good luck with those needles
Wooklet....I love hearing all your stories... Some of them have really brightened my day ( others...mad eme cringe and sad... ) - , although Im sure it doesnt have the same effect on you - much stronger words and emotions would need to be used in your case..... You really are such a wonderful and patient person. He is very lucky to have you.
Promise you when it happened I wasn't so patient!! Nor am I other times! But an old nun once said to me "If you can laugh at yourself you will have a lifetimes entertainment", so in the end I laugh, although as you know sometimes I have felt more like murder! I should have known better than to let him have the needle, after all these years I should be wiser!

More eggs in the incubator tonight, Malays and Aussie game,this should be an interesting hatch, providing of course he keeps his hands off the eggs.....................
Hello!! Been a long long time since ive been here!

Chooks are nearly 12 months old now and going great!! No more cat trouble thankfully but clarence the rooster is very protective of his girls and i think that helps. he even takes on the dog when he gets to close to the girls!

were laying like great guns until the winter came in and it has been a cold on this year, but warmer days have brought me more eggs already. Will be interesting to see if any get broody in the coming month or so, who knows i might end up with some spring chickens! ive also got quite a little egg market at my local lawn bowls club which helps pay for feed.

looking into some silkie chicks that i have found on a local buy swap sell group on facebook, so im hoping i might be able to get some of those. some little slkies would be great and even better silkie chick!

hope all the little chooks are well!!
Glad all is going well MA noob. My hens have finally started to pick up on the laying as well. I have lost a few older isa browns over winter but we have had extreemly cold winter here this year and I am so looking forward to summer. In fact I am counting down the days. I just need to convince my banties that there is really no need to run off into the bush part of our acerage and lay all the time. I have had 2 lots of cochin frizzles born already this winter.
Oh gosh wooklet. Thats a funny story. We had to give one of our snakes a vitman B shot last year. Try getting a needle in the skin of a snake the slithers lol. The vets out here just get you the needles and tell you to go home and give it to them. I can see why now lol. (it was a course of 3 shots he had to have over a few weeks)
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Howdy, checkin' in again

Sorry, I don't know much about quail, I got my chickens from a small store on the fringes of the city
Hi all Australians out there I have got some really good news now backyardchickens the best site ever but it's hard for all Australian to buy stuff from this and I just wanted to tell everyone from Australia that theres a new site launched for buying selling and trading all things chicken and other poultry it's pretty good the website is you can sign up and their are a whole heap of different sections to post stuff I think everyone should have a look at it

Regards Jai

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