Australians - Where are you all????

Thanks Jai, I'll give it a look.
We're actually thinking of getting a couple of new chicks this spring.
Feathers died, Eggie doesn't lay anymore and we're predicting the younger two will halt at age 2.5 just like the older ones.
Oh gosh wooklet. Thats a funny story. We had to give one of our snakes a vitman B shot last year. Try getting a needle in the skin of a snake the slithers lol. The vets out here just get you the needles and tell you to go home and give it to them. I can see why now lol. (it was a course of 3 shots he had to have over a few weeks)

You have snakes! Wonderful! What sort of snakes do you have? I have always liked them but hubby forbids me to keep any!! I did a course on handling poisonous snakes once and really enjoyed it, pride of place in the house is a picture of me holding a tiger snake, it freaks most people out! I can imagine that giving one an injection would be really hard, no wonder the vets leave you to it.

Randhawa chickens,I had heard of that new web site I'll check it out today. is pretty good too,it covers the whole of Australia.
SPRING IS HERE!!! well...since I have had a bit of a spring clean its either that ....or we have a council hard waste collection....

I have taken a heap of stuff out of the shed to leave on the nature strip so now the duckies have so much nicer a view when in the shed... I thought it funny that the old clothes airer that had rust everywhere and the white plastic peeling off was gone along with a broken clothes rack that was missing the top bar and a few screws.. it was taped together

I had an old chip board Tv unit covered in that black laminate that has been out in the rain for two months...but someone took the rotting boards...
cant work out why!!!

The old vaccum cleaner, a book shelf that fell to pieces as I moved it... an a few old dirty nesting boxes have all gone out the front..

I also took out an old piece of exercise equipment..I feel bad but i took parts of it off so someone wont pick it up too.. I know that it would be nice for someone to use it- but with all the people who drive around to pick up things they can resell at markets- I didnt want it to end up there. It wasnt used much- but was a cheap thing that never worked properly and I would hate to see someone even pay $5 for it. Someone may still take it for the metal... but at least some unsuspecting person wont end up with a piece of junk at the market.
I'm just trying to search for cheap flights for the night of 21st August, melbourne to Adelaide...
Our Tiger flight got cancelled! I don't believe it!
I can't find a thing now, and the Virgin website isn't loaded.... I've tried scouring the regional airlines to come up with nothing
I know its late...but jetstar still have a flight listed from Adelaide to Melbourne at $79 JQ775 is the flight number- leaving at around 9.30 pm though - I found it on flight centre- dont know how many seats there would be at that price if there is more than just you travelling...
Well, the thing is we're returning from Melbourne on that day

But the time sounds good, as does the price. We need a night/afternoon flight. We are looking into buses/trains now.
I was just looking at a thread where the OP was asking advice on what rare breed they should keep. Which got me thinking, does anyone know what the rare breeds in australia are?
I have absolutely no idea
I don't suppose production hens could be called rare, and that's about as far as my chicken knowledge goes
I don't know the web address,because I can't find it! But if you google Tasmanian rare breeds poultry club it will take you to their website,and you'll find rare breeds there.

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