Australians - Where are you all????

Welcome to the few new members i have just seen on here since I was last reading this thread.





Sorry if I missed anyone else.

Chainsaw- I know about the Australian shows- which of course are pretty much all over for this year. But I think September October are a little too early to have much going on yet over there. Maybe you can make a few connections with people on here that can give you a bit better of an idea.
lol...farmville is my addiction lately...since they created the aviaries all i seem to be doing is building more so I can hatch more ducks for my farm. Funny how the computer game is so much like real life... Just on farmville I really can have a thousand duckies..
Im not, Sorry.
Have I already asked you what breed of chickens you have? I ask so many people I cant remember

Hey everyone! I've made a website
Its all done I just need to get it published to the web. That should be happening this afternoon sometime.
Opps, Sorry new world.
I remember now. you have the Australop x Newhampshire hens.
I have a VERY hard time remembering people if they don't have an avatar. And when someone changes their avatar, I don't realise its the same person for AGES.
Im weird like that

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