Australians - Where are you all????

Hi Guinea Fowl, yes that is my girls, they are beautiful.

I tried to set up an avatar and put some pics on the other day but it didn't happen unfortunately
I will try again when I have more time and not working so much.

I am so hooked on BYC is lots of fun and I have learnt so much especially about mealworms and feeding my girls plus their egg song which is so loud. I thought I had 3 roosters when they all started in the beginning.

I get 3 eggs a day from my girls now and no soft eggs lately so that is all good.
Im not, Sorry.
Have I already asked you what breed of chickens you have? I ask so many people I cant remember

Hey everyone! I've made a website
Its all done I just need to get it published to the web. That should be happening this afternoon sometime.

Looking forward to seeing your website! How are your babies going? We have one of our girls at the vet this morning
Hope she's ok...
G'day guys!! Methinks I'm gonna have to investigate this Farmsville thing - sounds like fun! Already spend lotsa time with my chickens sitting with my dogs watching them watching us. Pretty cool!
And the more I hear about people hatching ducks n chooks the more I wanna look into that too! Have great day! Housework here boo hoo.....
I'm a wreck!!

Our little Coco had excess fluid in her abdomen - 40ml has just been drained out but they had to stop 'cause she was becoming too distressed. We have 2 different antibiotics to give her for 3-4 weeks and have had her tested for liver/kidney probs and diabetes. Diabetes! Another possibility is that an egg broke inside and cut her in which case would need surgery. We get the blood test results this arvo so keep your fingers crossed for us!!

Don't understand the I don't have any chickens thing. Got 8 beautiful little sweeties including Raptorchook who thinks I personally am her dinner! Gotta always look for where she is...

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