Australians - Where are you all????


I'll agree with the part about the kids!
Hi mumscrazy2. I'm in Adelaide n I've only had my girls a few weeks too! Aren't they great! I got 8 17 wk olds and was told yesterday where I bought em they are definitely 100 percent New Hampshires. Got em 23/9 and Fri of last week they started laying. They're all SO sweet. I spend lotsa time in coop with em. What typa chook did u get n how many? Stickybeak me. I often think my pets look at me n think I'm crazy!
So I'm back from the vet, alone

Thanks for the thread guinea fowl, very promising... however... I now WISH that a hysterectomy was all she needed. Apparently there's not enough fluid in her abdomen for the vet to be sure it's an internal lay. The other possibility is a heart condition (SH*%!!) So they've kept her to do an x-ray tonight to try and pin-point the problem. The worst thing the vet said was that she wasn't in any condition to survive surgery right now so here's hoping there are still other options. Having said that, they're going to feed her directly into her crop to get some energy into her so also hoping that helps.

Keep 'em crossed for us. I've barely stopped bawling all day
What grade are you going?

I'm just finishing up with Year 10, in term 4 right now. I'm looking forward to the weeks we get off after exams!
Snap, I used to freak out if I couldn't get on to harvest the plants I knew would wither that day if I didn't

I even gave my brother my fb account details so he could FARMSIT for me when I went away. It had to go

Okay, that's really funny. I actually used to be in tears because I couldn't bear the sight of the withered eggplants I'd spent so long waiting for
After that, I made sure to be on time for harvest every day....
It had to go for me too!!
Haha, I couldn't decide between IB or SACE... took me ages, but eventually I decided if I wanted to study outside of Adelaide (Because uni in SA is everyone's life ambition!
) I'd better go with the IB. They made it sound like it would be an easy transition into tertiary education that way, workload and all that nitty-gritty stuff.

Really sorry about your Coco, by the way
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
I hope they get something sorted out soon.

to the new members. I visited Sydney a while ago, saw a bit of Wollongong too. Beautiful state
I know the feeling
I've stood in the waiting room of a vet howling. With about seven vet nurses and four customers looking at me. It is very hard at first.
Being a breeder you have more chickens = more chance of problems. So I've been fairly desensitized to deaths. I don't believe you get stronger, I think your emotional brick walls that block the pain gets stronger. It would be bad for your health if you had to keep feeling that pain. So it's a natural survival thing.
Hi chickenmumma I will keep everything crossed for you during this very trying time for you. Here is hoping Coco pulls through all okay.
(ps: I think this is a smiley with its fingers crossed for you)

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