Australians - Where are you all????

I've been mostly vegetarian for quite a while now, with my main concern being the welfare of the animals. I don't eat red meat (but that's cos I don't like it, never have) but others in my family do so I only buy meat from a reputable butcher who sources his meat from farms that treats their animals (and the land for that matter) with respect.

In fact, the main reason I got chooks in the first place was so that I could be sure the eggs I ate were from happy chickens. If you're eating quiche then you'll use your own eggs
- the two cruelest practices I see in our market are battery chickens/ eggs and also battery pork. Most commercial pork comes from pigs that are kept in cages, with their young trying to suckle through bars. It's awful and I can't bear the thought of my money supporting such horrendous practices.
From some reading I've done about chickens I'm also skeptical about 'free range' labels and even some 'organic' brands can be a little dodgy - I once accidentally bought organic eggs and upon closer inspection discovered they were cage hens fed organic feed! I could go on for ages and I do love a captive audience when it comes to these things... so... feel free to ask as many questions as you like and I'll try to answer as best I can. I'm also very sporty so have dietary concerns regarding protein and I can bang on about that for a while too. I have to run and get Coco back to the vet for her barium series today (we might FINALLY find out what's wrong with her) but I'll be back online later.

CYA and wish us luck!!

COOOOL Chickenmumma.....I've been veg for 12months now. Yes, I also dont want to support factory farm-type meat industries. I know for a fact that animals feel fear & know they are going to die while waiting in an abbatior yard. On a 4 corners report on the cruel practices over in Malysia cows are waiting while watching others being horribly hacked & slaughtered. The last cow waiting was visibly shaking in fear. I will NEVER forget the look on that poor animals face & body as she knew she was next...
Have you ever watched a dvd called "Earthlings?" its about the meat, fur, clothing, medicine etc industry that all animals are a part of. It makes u look at our animal brothers as partners on this planet to be shared, not be exploited by humans. Beautifully narrated, beautiful music & horrendous images. I particularly hate the chinese fur farms. One of them skins dogs while they are still alive. If you must watch (online footage via Youtube) turn off the sound as you will be perminantly damaged by its horror. The dvd is available on line for $20 at
I could go on but I see that you are of the same mind...... Im with a few animal rights organizations...& do what i can to help ie: signing petitions.
I must say with the animals in such stress re pork industry with their ulcers, tumors would wonder how safe the meat is to eat?? Theres also "battery" milk farms where cows are not let outside just tied up inside & cant move. With ulcers & mastitis...that goes untreated. No care. No treatment. No vets. Maximum profit for little outlay in ALL animal-based industries. I for one dont want to ignore it. Sorry ... I will stop now...LOL

Good luck with Coco......keep us updated. *hugs to her*
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Hi guys....

I'd like to know when they stop that cute little cheeping noise
& change to the clucking sound?? Mine are 6 weeks & growing fast!! They even
looked like they grew while I was out for the day!!!

Those chooks, they think everything is food! They seem to find my toenails particularly threatening

so do mine!

My Silky roo does this side-step barging thing. Its like he's telling you hes the boss of the coop, & tries to bowl u over.
Halarious to watch, but I clap my hands & say 'no' loudly so he doesnt think he's the boss of me or my daughters....
thats when it gets dangerous. He has such a sweet nature. Now the pullet hens are in da house, hes getting all
protective. I want to him to stay sweet, & cute so I can still pick him up & sit him on my lap & pat him to sleep.
Just love him
Afternoon Ray

Maybe just for fun we should tell a little fact about ourselves. Not anything personal privacy wise, just random facts.
lets see...
I find it hard to finish building projects that I start.
There are started pallet chicken coops everywhere that just never got finished because I just give up. It really annoys me.
Hi Ray
How's the studying going?

Chic you've been busy! I haven't seen Earthlings, will check it out though. That's interesting about the battery milk
Do you know if that info is from Aus? I know the USA and other parts of the world are a lot worse than us but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens here too
I've always had dreams of owning a cow for milking... might need to wait till I have a house not in the 'burbs and on more than 500sq/m! And glad you like my avatar. That's Matilda, the one who gorged herself yesterday till her crop was swollen, silly girl.

Oh and GFG I'm the same, I keep starting new jobs and then get flustered cos I've been working all day but haven't actually got anything done
And now it's worse cos I kepp getting distracted by this darn forum. darn it I'm still typing, I have work to do!!!
I seem to spend a lot of time doing stuff without seeing a lot for my efforts too! Mostly cos I get distracted by this that and the other (read chickens, dogs, cats). Takes me bout an hour in morning before I can start my breakfast cos I'm doing for above!
Arvo guys

My studying? Eh, I should be doing some now, but of course I've gotta check up on BYC first

We got massive wads of Chem and Maths revision sheets today: at least I don't have to write out my own notes.
English, I'm glad I did write them coz teacher said close to zero on the subject.
Everyone's stressing out

Guinea... a random fact? I write on my hand. A lot. It's easier than keeping a diary or having to open that calendar app every time I log on to the computer
Cows are not treated that way here. I have worked on a dairy farm and know alot of farmers. They have acres and acres of land to roam in and are only brought in for milking then let back out into the paddocks. You would buy milk and support dairy owners if you knew how much work they do and how little the milk companys pay them. They are hard working and care alot for their animals.

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