Australians - Where are you all????

Thanks oz- e-chick. Good to know the cows r looked after good and cared about. Pity the farmers get raw deal tho!

CM how much longer we gotta wait to hear bout Coco? Assume waiting on test results. Everything crossed!!!
Yeah, good to know about the cows! I know the farmers get a raw deal and I think it sucks. I'd happily pay more for milk to ensure the farmers and their stock were all happy little vegemites.

As for Coco, she's in hospital overnight while they keep doing this barium series thing (it's a series of xrays with barium in the food so they can watch it either pass through her digestive tract or get blocked, hopefully shedding light on the problem, pardon the pun
) I'm allowed to call them mid-morning so I'll know more then and will keep you posted. It's been a stressful few days!!
Oh, I'm sure it has! Hang in there
I'm glad you're getting a little closer to finding the possible problem at least
Hopin one of u guys will know as don't have time to surf right now...

Using red cider vinegar to add to water to treat/prevent worms. Does anyone know how much how often.

Grain guy tried to sell me commercial one and said to withhold water for hours n hours so they drink it cos it was so hideous. Not going there! Did add some rc vinegar before n chooks happily drank but....
Thanks GFG. Apple was what I meant. Got brain tied sorry. I put a splash in too . How often do u reckon tho? Weekly? Monthly?
I'm actually not completely sure.
I paid $25 for the postage so I'm assuming that'll be 'good quality postage'
the woman sending me the eggs said that she individually wraps the eggs in bubble wrap then puts them in a box in a sachet. But I'll guess we'll see when they arrive.
I told her to write "hatching eggs" on the box/sachet cause I read somewhere that apparently the postage people think the eggs are actually hatching. being extra careful with them.
I'll keep you all VERY up to date with how everything goes with the blue Australorp
And yes I'm going through Australia post.

That is a good tip. I would hate to have my eggs get tossed around like it was just a box of books.
I use a couple of tablespoons of acv in large waterer. Mine is a cut it half 5 litre plastic container. I keep it in there all the time. Just make sure you don't put it in a metal container.
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