Australians - Where are you all????

Lucky! We got 35.
It was revised too - higher!

It's not often I can say this so I'm gonna make the most of the opportunity. The weather in Melbourne is PERFECT
Blue skies, sunshine and a slight breeze. AAAHHHHH.

Sorry you're all sweltering. How do your birds cope with the heat?

I love it when we get those southerlies comin' in... the breeze comes right off the sea and you get a lot of high pressure systems, so it's clear blue skies all round.

They like to cower under the one square foot of shade by the fence, even though there are lots of trees all around their coop
Weird things. They usually do okay though, lots of breathing with beaks open but I think they enjoy it.
Hi CM. GLad ur having a decent day! I'm overhot n so r my girls. Gonna go down n wet dirt for em so they can hunt stuff in n cool down thro feet. Meant to go shop first thing to buy em watermelon but feel sick n forgot.
Went Bunnings to have them fix something n traffic hideous. Must be a full moon. All ur lot playing nice still? Coco n Matilda cosying up to new Australorp??
Sorry to hear you're feeling sick JC
Maybe you should play in the mud with your girls and cool off as well

Yeah my girls are all nice to one another but they don't seem to mix very much. The 3 newbies seem to like exploring and getting themselves into spots they shouldn't so I've kept em locked away unless I'm out to supervise. Coco and Matilda mostly keep to themselves too. Snobs. I took Coco back to the vet last night and apparently she's doing really well! The cancer hasn't killed her and so she's just gonna stay on an anti-inflammatory/pain killer indefinitely. I THINK it's good news, although giving her medication twice a day kinda sucks. Anyway, all's going well so can't complain!

How's your flock going? You getting lotsa eggs? How's your diet going? I made a chocolate tofu pudding the other day. Don't laugh, the texture is amazingly smooth and creamy. High in protein too

OH and great work getting an avatar
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Hey Chickenmumma. Did I mention I felt sick? Tofu anything don't thrill me. Was talking to my vegetarian friend yesterday n she says she's gonna shout me a pkt of all the Quorn vegetarian products. She swears they're edible. I sell her my excess eggs n she splits them with the other workers at the dog club who rave to me about how good my happy hens eggs r! Got a Facebook text on that this morning. Gave her 3 1/2 doz yesterday n she paid me $25 - she likes my hens don't eat meatmeal (minced chook).

The last week I've got 5 or 7 eggs a day n today got 6. They look at me like I'm a babysnatcher tho!

Glad Cocos doing well. Hope she does for lot longer! Know what it's like with 2x medication a day!! My youngest dog has epilepsy. The other dog n cat think it's brilliant as they get more food. They don't realize I reduce the first lot to be the second.

Not the best picture unfortunately. Does show one pf my beautiful girls tho - Raptorchook.

Off for vegemite on toast. Cook me a meal n fly it over lol but no zucchini or tofu!
Lol fair enough about the tofu but I still reckon you haven't had it cooked right. Or I just haven't eaten meat in waaaaay too long

OK so if anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it... Matilda is making a wierd noise... It's a cross between her coughing, sneezing, clearing her throat and bocking. She's opening and shutting her mouth a lot too. Any ideas what it might be???
Sorry no idea BUT:
How old is she?
Have u changed anything in environment OR food apart from the new lot?
? Maybe it's an adverse reaction to Melbourne having decent weather!
BAHAHAHA yeah, none of us know how to react to the sunshine! Actually, I think she has a cold
The newbies had a few sniffles when they arrived - they're fine now but she's not. Might see how she goes for a day or two then put her on some antibiotics if I need to. **SIGH**
Apple cider vinegar is sposed to b a good general tonic as well as do worms IF has live bacteria in it (mother). Health food shop one, not Coles !!

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