Australians - Where are you all????

Hi libitlizzie, learnindechooks and Jimmy and
. I'm from Queensland/Brisbane and it's still nice and warm. I'm still sleeveless and in thongs. You guys must be rugging up by now.
This is an American site and we have 2 Aussie threads at the moment if this one stays alive. I've looked around and all the sales so far that I can see are for American BYC members. However as for information this site is invaluable. You never know maybe the Aussies will start up a web site like this one day. So far I have found that all you need for your chickens are found in your local produce place for a very reasonable cost. You don't have to live in the country, these places are around the suburbs as well. As for obtaining chickens (especially if you want a certain breed) I chose to go to an actual chicken breeder not too far from where I live. I chose not to get hatchlings but "point of lay" chickens and they are doing fine. I'm expecting my first ever egg in approx 2 weeks time. They have settled in well and getting along fine with my silkie chicken who was there before them.

My Arvo is full of study and assignments - just cleaned out the chicken coop, making myself a cuppa and back to studies. At least the weather is pleasant and I may take my studies outside.

Anyway hope everyone has a lovely Sunday afternoon.

PS Won't hold it against you learnindechooks, I was born in Melbourne and grew up in the suburbs as well however been gone for many many years. I certainly did not enjoy the six seasons in a day.
Hi everybody
I'm back !!!! your very erratic Redfeather :)
sorry I don't get here regularly - have a few things goin' on that need my attention.
as well as that, I don't know that I have a lot to offer, though I do have my chooks (5) and love them.
Only two laying at the moment but that's fine - just means I can't give many away at the moment
Hope you're all really well. You Queenslanders haven't got a monopoly on good weather at the moment.
After a VERY wet and mild summer we're having lovely weather most days here on Mid North Coast, NSW.
and I'm sitting here in shorts and sleeveless top too :) love it
hello aussie lady! i am from the country, been living here all my life but we have never attempted to breed them. if i could go to a breeder with the breed i love i would but there isnt any in W.A :( unfortunatley so i have to expand my search to get the breed i want.. yes we are now starting to run up, some days are warm still but more nights are very cold. aw how exciting the very first eggs, i remember waiting around for them like it was never going to come and then they started laying "finally" it felt like for ever i had to wait haha
Hi there
Just a quick question for the fellow Aussies - I'm on the Gold Coast and it's starting to get a bit cooler (still wet) and not as much light... Is anyone finding their egg production starting to drop off with the fall in daylight hours already even though it's only autumn? Or is it just my girls (and I need to look for another reason other than light)?
Welcome fcooper
. I hope you find this thread of interest to you. I don't have any chickens that are laying yet so I can't give you my personal experience. I live in Brisbane so we have the same daylight hours. The breeder that I brought my chickens did state that they keep the caged chickens under artificial light 24/7 so they do not stop producing. Some of the chickens that he buys from another breeder also are under artificial light approx 16 hrs a day so that they will grow faster. He also stated that because of this the "point of lay" chickens need adjusting to normal daytime hours so instead of laying eggs within 2 weeks, it takes 4 weeks for your first eggs to appear. So I think your're on to something here.

Hope this helps and may answer your question - it could be something else with your chickens, unless they are going to go on a moult or maybe cold weather just slows them down because they need more energy to stay warm in cooler weather.

Please let me know if you find out the reason, I am interested to know.
Wow, it's been ages since I checked into any of the aussie threads!
Hey folks and :welcome to all newbies! The population of down under peeps seems to have exploded on this site recently. :ya
Anyway, my chickens aren't laying as much as they used to either. Although I suspect that's just because they're getting old - they are almost two years old (will be in a couple of months) and that's when our previous pair stopped laying too.
I should be getting new chicks soon, that means. Am currently thinking of names. Have a couple of companies in mind. :lol:
Hi there fcooper, I am just south of Sydney and most of my 9 assorted bantams started moulting a few weeks ago, consequently their egg production has dipped from a max of 7 eggs a day down to 2 every 2nd day. I am not too bothered though as my silkies in particular are renowned for crazy laying patterns anyway.
I think I have enough feathers out there to make a couple of quilts for the Winter!
My girls also cut their egg production during our wet cold summer, as soon as it warmed up, they were back laying again!
By the way my oldest chook is 2, my youngest a year.
Thanks for the replies!
I got my girls 4 weeks ago - one (Blackie, a silver sussex) that had just moulted (a year old) and one a point of lay (Rosie, a leghorn cross orpington) and neither have laid since they arrived. I'm beginning to wonder whether I'll see an egg before spring now that it's starting to cool and get darker earlier.... (although not sure that the cold effects their laying too much given the cold winters that most people on this forum would get compared to me - and their chickens seem to keep laying..)
Maybe I'll try putting some lights in in the morning and see if that makes any changes?...

I've been hanging out over on the "Australia - six states and that funny little island" thread and I don't think I've been on this thread before. So, it's good to meat you all... it seems to be generally a different bunch of people here.

Well, I live in the Adelaide Hills. South Australia, for those who don't know. We recently moved up here from the city, about two years ago, and our livestock number has been increasing steadily, mostly in poultry. My sister has 8 rabbits and 4 Muscovy ducklings. My father has eleven layers.

I have my own flock of about 30 chickens of varying genders and ages, but I have some eggs in the incubator at the moment, too, and my flock is still being put together - there are two I want to sell and I also want to add a few more to it. I've been working on building up own flock since the beginning of the year and my sixteenth birthday. I know, I'm pretty crazy to buy chickens once I turn sixteen rather than a car... But I can sell the eggs once they start laying as people, especially down in the city, go crazy over 'organic farm-fresh free-range eggs'. I also have 7 quails.

I've also noticed a drop in egg production recently, as has my father. It could be because they're moulting - well, half of my flock are and there are feathers everywhere! It could also be because of the changing weather and hours of daylight. Or a combination of both. I have a couple of pullets which should theoretically start laying this week or next but I think they might wait a while to start if the trend the established layers are showing is anything to go by. It's a shame, too - they're Araucanas and I was excitedly looking forwards to see their first eggs!
Hey Rachel. :frow
I suppose this was the original thread, but it kind of became a bit social over the previous summer, and some of the others wanted a place to discuss their poultry while others wanted to chat and catch up, so we kind of split. :lol:

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