Australians - Where are you all????

I heard about the earthquake last night on the news.
Maybe the girlies did feel it.
They say because it's Winter egg production lowers, my girls have started to lay again in Winter, I have a better hatch rate in Winter then I do in any other season lols

It would of been, I live on no hill what so ever, so the water stays there for a day or so, it's the only thing that makes me wear shoes LOL
the cold makes me wear shoes AND sox !!!
my chickies still seem to manage without their sox
they're tough !!
Hi guys/gals Tamworth is about 2 thirds north NSW and about one third inland (my estimate) - where is Adelaide?? :lau
Sorry that was a bit unkind - I've been to Adelaide a number of times, have two cousins there, and I love it :hugs

I've said something jokingly along those lines too before... it's kind of true. But I like it here too. :p

Heard about the earthquakes. Hope you folks are all ok! Sounded pretty strong actually!
Yea, I keep sleeping through all the little earthquakes that happen in Adelaide. It's kind of sad but funny. :lau
I heard about the earthquake last night on the news.
Maybe the girlies did feel it.
They say because it's Winter egg production lowers, my girls have started to lay again in Winter, I have a better hatch rate in Winter then I do in any other season lols

It would of been, I live on no hill what so ever, so the water stays there for a day or so, it's the only thing that makes me wear shoes LOL

Our hens have pretty much stopped laying as well. Its ridiculously cold, and they're probably sick of having to lay in such cold weather!
That or they're hiding the eggs, which would not surprise me. I found two of the new pullets eggs hidden in a cardboard bow that had some hay thrown in for when we brought them. Who knows where the others are laying!
And not living on higher ground it's quite messy at times. We get all the rain off our neighbours field because its just that little bit higher than us
Our hens have pretty much stopped laying as well. Its ridiculously cold, and they're probably sick of having to lay in such cold weather!
That or they're hiding the eggs, which would not surprise me. I found two of the new pullets eggs hidden in a cardboard bow that had some hay thrown in for when we brought them. Who knows where the others are laying!
And not living on higher ground it's quite messy at times. We get all the rain off our neighbours field because its just that little bit higher than us
My girls first started to lay in Winter, and they are laying right now lol.
I always find hidden nests drives me bonkers.
Well, a couple of weeks ago we had almost a week of constant rain here... the ground was disgusting! My shoes were disgusting! I only have one pair of actual shoes (I actually have three pairs of shoes - lace-up boots, riding shoes, and figure skates) so I spent most of the week barefoot, just putting on the shoes when I went outside... they were caked with mud no matter how many times I washed them off! At the moment we're getting a few showers every day, so the ground's still a bit squelchy. I'm not objecting - we're entirely on rain water (okay, we have a bore... but bore water is YUCKY!!!) so whatever falls now is what we have.

Sorry, anyone concerned, about the whole Tamworth thing. I suppose I was a little annoyed at myself for not knowing where it is! People keep mentioning it and I didn't know! Oh, well, now I do.

Ooh... I hope the earthquake wasn't too bad! I was woken by both of the Adelaide ones. The most recent one, the epicentre was just up with road from me, so that was exciting! The first one, a couple of years ago, was really weird because it was more noise than shaking as I expected from an earthquake. At the time, I lived right underneath the flight path (all 'planes arriving in Adelaide must fly in from the same direction), so I was just really confused as to what a 'plane was doing, flying in so late!

As for the laying (and I think we've discussed this)... I have a lot of pullets who were meant to start laying about a month ago (strange coincidence, that... poorly-planned on my part), and I think they've all decided to wait for summer or at least spring before deigning to lay an egg. Grr. And to rub salt into the wound, all of my father's chickens seem to be laying an egg a day! My sister tells me that standing out in the run and glaring at my girls isn't going to make them lay...

from Rachel.
Hi Everyone,

Two of my Australorps have now started laying, fancy that in Winter. My first 2 ever eggs.
Today I received 2 more which makes a total of 10 eggs now and they are a little bit bigger than the first 2. They seem to be getting bigger now as they continue to lay. The picture below are the first 2 and they weighed 51 & 52 grams the latest ones weigh 55 grams. How exciting - I have also noticed that the membrane is quite thick and strong - I hope this is a good thing.




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