Australians - Where are you all????

Well, a couple of weeks ago we had almost a week of constant rain here... the ground was disgusting! My shoes were disgusting! I only have one pair of actual shoes (I actually have three pairs of shoes - lace-up boots, riding shoes, and figure skates) so I spent most of the week barefoot, just putting on the shoes when I went outside... they were caked with mud no matter how many times I washed them off! At the moment we're getting a few showers every day, so the ground's still a bit squelchy. I'm not objecting - we're entirely on rain water (okay, we have a bore... but bore water is YUCKY!!!) so whatever falls now is what we have.

Sorry, anyone concerned, about the whole Tamworth thing. I suppose I was a little annoyed at myself for not knowing where it is! People keep mentioning it and I didn't know! Oh, well, now I do.

Ooh... I hope the earthquake wasn't too bad! I was woken by both of the Adelaide ones. The most recent one, the epicentre was just up with road from me, so that was exciting! The first one, a couple of years ago, was really weird because it was more noise than shaking as I expected from an earthquake. At the time, I lived right underneath the flight path (all 'planes arriving in Adelaide must fly in from the same direction), so I was just really confused as to what a 'plane was doing, flying in so late!

As for the laying (and I think we've discussed this)... I have a lot of pullets who were meant to start laying about a month ago (strange coincidence, that... poorly-planned on my part), and I think they've all decided to wait for summer or at least spring before deigning to lay an egg. Grr. And to rub salt into the wound, all of my father's chickens seem to be laying an egg a day! My sister tells me that standing out in the run and glaring at my girls isn't going to make them lay...

from Rachel.
the earth quake we got wasnt to bad it just shook the house
hey Rachel, don't beat yourself up about not knowing where Tamworth is. There are places, within an easy drive for me, that I don't know.......yet
'Winter layers'...............might depend on where their breed originates
All I own is Silkies, I love em to bits.

Hey all been a while since I've posted, I've been in Ballarat (if you know where that is) froze my butt off down there LOL
I missed being with my birds soo much, but I came home to a broody hen! so most likely I'm going to be having more babies YAY!

Aussie Lady, congratz on the first 2 eggs!

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