Australorps breed Thread

So I went to the store today looking for new fencing and really did not come back with much. So I started looking online and found 19 gauge 1/2 inch hardware cloth that I could use. Do you think that would be strong enough to work against predators?
Maybe. I can't afford the hardware cloth atm. I'm gonna double the wire for now. The folks who had this place before us poured concrete around the coop about a foot deep . I know nothing is digging in . Also , the entire coop is wired from bottom and the top . A wired box if u will . I'm new at this . My father always raised birds, so I have some of his knowledge .
Kurt would be able to help u . He has got his stuff together from what I've read.
Some folks give me hell about my dogs , yet they chase everything off the property as soon as it tries .
I'm gonna completely fence around the coop building at somepoint . Like I said , money talks, and it's very quite here at the moment. Your coop looks great !
mamatink, they are totally treat motivated.  Mine seemed to go through stages of tameness/calmness/flightiness growing up.  I didn't pay it much attention, handled them, and gave treats just the same.  Don't overdo it on the treats.   As adults, mine are calm, and very tame. 
thank you. Them being only 1wk now, I didn't want to do treats till 2wks. One buff Orpington has caught a fly (HILARIOUS) last night and this morning I gave her a Roly poly bug. Lmbo. I got them the big baby cake treat roll and they never touched it, I'll try every day for a couple hrs.
Once they do ant treats, I have to add the chick grit still-correct. I'm so afraid I'll do something wrong.
Anyone seem to have more flighty Black Australorps? I swear these guys were 'docile & friendly: a great breed to handle and for kids'...I have 6 of them; 1 week old now. Perhaps just handle then more or handle less? Or just wait till little older?
I try to handle each chick at least once a day to check them out. One has great tail feathers-more than any other and that one's the one who flutters wings thru the brooder.
Just a question. Thanks
I think it may depend on where you get them from. I got my first 3 from Meyer, they were very docile. Not exactly friendly per se, but not mean and not flightly. Would eagerly take treats from me.

The new bunch I got at a local feed store, who knows where they came from. They are afraid of everything, and at 4 weeks old are still convinced I might murder them at any point. Run away! AHHHAAHAHA!!!! They will barely take treats from me and if I have 3 bits of blackberry the bravest one will snatch it from me and the other two would rather try to steal from their sister than take the 2 I am offering.

This isn't the correct type of behavior for the breed, but the point is you aren't the only one. Keep trying to handle them and feed them. Also try to arrange your brooder so you aren't coming in from above, but instead you're coming in from the side, it's less threatening.

Also, if you give them treats, you do need to offer grit also. Don't worry too much, it won't hurt them. :)
I think it may depend on where you get them from.  I got my first 3 from Meyer, they were very docile.  Not exactly friendly per se, but not mean and not flightly.  Would eagerly take treats from me.

The new bunch I got at a local feed store, who knows where they came from.  They are afraid of everything, and at 4 weeks old are still convinced I might murder them at any point.  Run away!  AHHHAAHAHA!!!!  They will barely take treats from me and if I have 3 bits of blackberry the bravest one will snatch it from me and the other two would rather try to steal from their sister than take the 2 I am offering.

This isn't the correct type of behavior for the breed, but the point is you aren't the only one.  Keep trying to handle them and feed them.  Also try to arrange your brooder so you aren't coming in from above, but instead you're coming in from the side, it's less threatening.

Also, if you give them treats, you do need to offer grit also.  Don't worry too much, it won't hurt them.  :)
thank you. Yes mine came from Meyer as well (I LOVE those people). Ok, that just assures I'm doing the right by handling them. Is it alright to start the chick treats now though? I heard only feed for 2 full wks.
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Anyone seem to have more flighty Black Australorps? I swear these guys were 'docile & friendly: a great breed to handle and for kids'...I have 6 of them; 1 week old now. Perhaps just handle then more or handle less? Or just wait till little older?
I try to handle each chick at least once a day to check them out. One has great tail feathers-more than any other and that one's the one who flutters wings thru the brooder.
Just a question. Thanks

also each will have a different personality cant choose a chick to tame .
it will choose you ...hand feeding might help ..
They will be more tame if they associate food with you .
.dont fill up the food dish ..if you are home with them ...Feed them as they need it ...
also each will have a different personality cant choose a chick to tame .
it will choose you ...hand feeding might help ..
They will be more tame if they associate food with you .
.dont fill up the food dish ..if you are home with them ...Feed them as they need it ...
thank you Gramma Chick.
chick feed is Best because it is formulated for what they need to grow correctly ..They will be all grown up in 5- 6 months .
i would not give them very many treats can gradually give them some fresh Veggies / or cooked veggies ..
yes they won't get treats until 2wks old and only to see how they do with them. Each week I'm trying a new thing with them, this week is getting then in the sun more and see how they react.

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