Australorps breed Thread

Just wanted to share a pic or two of my 24 week old BA's. They are all laying and they are so fun and beautiful. And man, oh man, do they talk a lot!



Where did you get them?
Hi all, I just added a black bantam australorp to our mini flock! Shes 11ish weeks, can't wait to introduce her to the rest of the girls!

Do the bantams very similar temperment to the LF? I cant find much seperate info for bantams...
I just bought them from a local guy on craigslist, but I suspect he just orders hatchery birds and resells them. They are all great and have been very healthy. There is one that may be a few fries short of a happy meal, but she's fun.
Hi all, I just added a black bantam australorp to our mini flock! Shes 11ish weeks, can't wait to introduce her to the rest of the girls!

Do the bantams very similar temperment to the LF? I cant find much seperate info for bantams...
Wow, I have never heard of a bantam australorp, I'm sorry i can't answer your question, but where did you get her?
Wow, I have never heard of a bantam australorp, I'm sorry i can't answer your question, but where did you get her?

I got her from a local farm, but I'm in the uk! They had a good half dozen 11 week pullets and a handful of Roos too. I had read you could get them, and I went to see what bantam breads they'd got and fell in love with her (we already have a bantam welsummer and two pekin bantams) I qas hoping fora RIR bantam but they we're keeping all theres as they didnt have many...this is my australorp tho...I'll try and get a size comparison to her

I got her from a local farm, but I'm in the uk! They had a good half dozen 11 week pullets and a handful of Roos too. I had read you could get them, and I went to see what bantam breads they'd got and fell in love with her (we already have a bantam welsummer and two pekin bantams) I qas hoping fora RIR bantam but they we're keeping all theres as they didnt have many...this is my australorp tho...I'll try and get a size comparison to her

She looks very sweet!
Back to the dog food vs. cat food posts: Cat food, especially the Orijen, contains added taurine. That is a necessary nutrient for cats and has proven to be very beneficial to birds. Wild birds who can find spiders feed them to the nestlings. Spiders are very rich in taurine, as is dark red meat. Birds fed spiders have proven to be more intelligent than those that have not. Neither birds nor cats can produce taurine, so it must be ingested.
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