Australorps breed Thread

i think you could take some more pics for us like they can look for weaknesses and try to correct it with your choice of hens.
i like australorp roosters that have that benevolent cant put a price on that..he looks like he is about to jump down off there so his tail looks a little pinched..but thats nothing that you cant work out..he seems to have a nice comb and wattles and face..but a good profile and or front rear pics would help..he does have nice green coloring..
I was finally able to get some more pictures of my rooster. I put them in my photo album on my profile. Please keep in mind his tail is a mess after the guinea got it, but I do think the angle is off. This is one of the side profile shots, but there are many more on the profile page. I didn't want to post them all and slow the download for those who are not interested.

Almost forgot to mention, it wasn't yellow on his feet, it was dirt. Now picture me washing a full grown rooster's feet. Ok, I have lost my mind.


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hes kind of a nice might want to pick hens with a lower tail carriage..wider tail fan ..hes got nice color, nice eye and face..look for his weakness and find hens that can correct them.
Here is a link to a post on the Florida thread. These are cockerels I got from tigercreek. There are 4 and are 10 wks old. Hoping this is a good start. lol

I hope Aveca and / or hupp will take a look. It's a little too early for me. I would try to keep them all for another 10 weeks at least. The longer you give them to grow up, the better . I will just say pick the one that looks most like this one, with a better comb. :

i agree with tigercreek.. they grow and can see the good ones at a few months but they are a little slower to mature.they change quite a lot by 10 mos..sometimes you an see a standout at a few weeks, there is just something that stands out ,but you have to wait and see, to make sure the comb and other things will shape up as well..

nice birds..i really like the face on the top row middle picture..thats a lot of work trying to take a pic of all of those.. wish i lived a little to see them .best to see them in person, then somone could say, keep these 5 or 6 for now and wait on them..the others have some obvious things that need to go..

i saw a freind about 2 years ago take a developing cockeral that was real nice but had a little bit of a tipping comb, fed him scrambled eggs couple times a week with something like a tiny bit of real finly chopped gr beef in it..the comb came right up have to watch that thou because chickens like people get gout from too much rich food..something you wouldnt want to do much if at all with grown birds..i guess the thinking was these are for the most part caged birds and in the wild they would be finding buggs , and greens and some seeds..some people give them a special flock block designed to enhance color and such.if i remember right , it hs some fish in it.
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How are the Bruce Sherman BAs. There is a BYCer that has them in Turlock. Sherman is too far for me to drive to pick up hatching eggs and I try not to hatch shipped eggs.

He has real nice birds..I looked at thosebut have way to may things going on with incubator and dont want a balancing act right at the moment.. ...thats a real nice rooster..classic curvey bird..lord they are one of the most beautiful birds...when i see a real good one in america, i actually like them a little better than australias..the over all form just has a finished look to me.very appealing.. i think if we could just put a little better eye more like australias birds, then after that i wouldnt mess with a good thing other than culling to keep that .

maybe if thats not too terrible far away you could have them ship eggs in ground service in styro containers..they settle so much faster..or as live animal..they handel those differently than ol hatching eggs regular post..the only time i get into problems with shipped eggs is when im forced to move them around in the 1st 7 days.their little more tender than out of your own barn so other than candeling on designated day i try to not touch them at all.turner goes on day 7..if they look good to me, otherwise i might get them another day or 2..youll never get the % that you would out of your own barn..but you can get a large % to hatch..
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Thank you Stan

I need to check my calendar to see when I can fit a dozen of them into my incubator.


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