Australorps breed Thread

I just got my first Australorp, I'm not familiar with the breed but she sure is sweet! I stumbled across a chicken auction and just couldn't resist her she was so friendly! I paid enough that the auctioneer I'm sure will be sending me a Christmas card .. and it turns out i was bidding against my husband. lol
That is a really great an funny story! Hope you have a joint bank account!

Communication, communication, communication!
G'day John,
I would be honoured to take a look at your pictures. A couple of each would be fine and I would need to know their ages. Do you show these fowls?

With my little heart attack, I had no idea that I had actually had one. I was just walking up the paddocks with my wife one day and it felt like I was in slow motion. I was in hospital once in late 2011 and 7 times during 2012 and had three stents, a pacemaker and an aortic valve replacement which is full-on open heart surgery. After a very strong recovery I picked up a Staf Virus which floored me, but I'm now back to lifting 20kg (45 pounds) bags of poultry feed, but I do it very carefully and slowly. I'm an ex Rugby League player and I'm rather big muscley fellow, so my recovery has been a bit quicker than normal. My weight has blown out a bit, but I'm getting it back slowly.

This sounds a bit gruesome in a poultry forum so I'm sorry to the forum if this has drifted away from poultry.


G'Day Ross,
the chicks I have ordered are arriving later in the year from two locations, May 20 from Mr. Urch and June 3 from Cackle hatchery in Missouri

Many years ago I was in the US Navy and was part of the Deep Freeze operation. I spent a few weeks in Christchurch, NZ and became an All Blacks fan, I hope you will still help with my flock now that you know which Rugby team I prefer.

Best to you and yours,
Now you really have my interests peaked. SPLASH AUSTRALORPS!!! I know you have been into blues for a while now, but SPLASH! I will email you.
That's the fastest way to get a bunch of blues on the ground - breed a splash ( double blue gene) cock to a group of black hens - you will get 100% blue chicks. Gives you a lot more to cull from. I am doing that with my Barred Rocks. I have the added advantage with the barred birds that they are also sex linked, so I can cull the cockerels quicker........ stan
I just got my first Australorp, I'm not familiar with the breed but she sure is sweet! I stumbled across a chicken auction and just couldn't resist her she was so friendly! I paid enough that the auctioneer I'm sure will be sending me a Christmas card .. and it turns out i was bidding against my husband. lol

Thanks for that laugh!!!
Good Morning Ross

From a rank BA novice...Fantastic bird! I actually like him more than your avitar! He is a work of art that is pleasing to the eye. I'll place an order for a few just like him! I can't see well the wing set, but who cares, given the rest of him.

What are the thoughts on this young fellow?



Oh hes just terrible, now you need to get rid of that one so you might as well just throw him in a box and ship him to ME!!! addy to follow...

Hes young.I love how tidy the tail and topline is..My own taste.I wish they had a little wider neck feather..but thats just my eye talking out loud..thats part youth
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