Australorps breed Thread

You have trouble reading and comprehending? I thought he made it very clear on costs! It is a shame to run a knowledgeable Aussie breeder and true gentleman off! Welcome all idiots! Run off anyone that can truly contribute. Sorry Ross!! You are well respected on this thread! Sometimes you have to overlook the very, very few!!

I didn't try to "run him away" as I don't even know him.. I was just stating true facts about international shipping to America cause I know how the pricing goes, perhaps books are different then shipping olive oil? Maybe he could of explained the high fees to us all more clear, but instead he rage quits when I questioned his price.. That's a red flag and someone who might be hiding something.

If it helps I won't ever post in Australorps thread no more if all you are upset.
Yes ..A boat is the slowest & the cheapest .
Air - airplane is more expensive & it goes up in price every year
He was offering information we cant get from just anywhere .
I think you should apologize for saying it was a crap price ...Because it isnt .
2 books for $25 with shipping. If 10 of us were interested he was willing to give us a discount
Yes ..A boat is the slowest & the cheapest .
Air - airplane is more expensive & it goes up in price every year
He was offering information we cant get from just anywhere .
I think you should apologize for saying it was a crap price ...Because it isnt .
2 books for $25 with shipping. If 10 of us were interested he was willing to give us a discount
Are you're now the lawyer? I want him to testified in his 1st Amendment rights laws.. As I have my own 1st Amendments.

Edit - Not going to apologize to people who are ripping people off
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$25 for two books shipped to your door isn't bad at all - and its coming from across the pond? I know nothing about the texts in question I am speaking purely in generality. I remember back when I was in college a text book was $90-120 and they came out with new editions every 2-3 years that largely went unchanged. You still couldn't use the older texts because the questions were different or chapters re-arranged.

Some people charge that much to ship eggs within the country, and that doesn't even include the freaking cost of the eggs! :p
$25 for two books shipped to your door isn't bad at all - and its coming from across the pond? I know nothing about the texts in question I am speaking purely in generality. I remember back when I was in college a text book was $90-120 and they came out with new editions every 2-3 years that largely went unchanged. You still couldn't use the older texts because the questions were different or chapters re-arranged.

Some people charge that much to ship eggs within the country, and that doesn't even include the freaking cost of the eggs! :p
I don't see the issue to be the cost of books or the price of getting them to the USA but rather the potential content of the books and likely benefit to the buyer. What priceless pearls of wisdom can be gleaned from these books/booklets that must certainly be available from some of our home grown Judges but which of them has made the proffer?

It has always been a fool's errand to equate price with value.

EDITED to say, I'm sorry for not responding sooner and to extend a welcome to all who wish to help those of us who are just beginning our work with SOP birds. Regardless what breed or breeds we fancy, words of experience are invaluable.

RON And I am a lawyer..ret.
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Are you're now the lawyer? I want him to testified in his 1st Amendment rights laws.. As I have my own 1st Amendments.

Edit - Not going to apologize to people who are ripping people off

I doubt you would apologize to anyone regardless. At least that is what I see from your reaction! You call someone you don't even know a ripoff artist and then say you were in the right? LOL!! Ross was a valuable source of Good info for this thread unlike the most (including me) he actually knew a lot about what I am striving to learn.

He made the cost of the books very clear. If you thought they were too high you sure were not going to be forced to purchase any. I guess you think you are the Internet Police? LOL for your info I challenge you to ship 2 books to someone in Australia for $25 including the price of the books and then say it is a ripoff!
Shipping Olive Oil on a ship is not even close to being the Same!

Ross!! I Thank You for All you have done for me and I Apologize for any Idiotic statements that have been directed towards you. You are always welcome here!

$25 for two books shipped to your door isn't bad at all - and its coming from across the pond? I know nothing about the texts in question I am speaking purely in generality. I remember back when I was in college a text book was $90-120 and they came out with new editions every 2-3 years that largely went unchanged. You still couldn't use the older texts because the questions were different or chapters re-arranged.

Some people charge that much to ship eggs within the country, and that doesn't even include the freaking cost of the eggs! :p

Spot on Post Mannigjw!!! I payed $53.50 to ship a dozen eggs yesterday within the US. That is shipping cost only.
No. Its not the general white leakage. I've never seen it before in my old lines, its a black on black lace. Like you'd see in a young laced bird only with a lack of color.. I'll see if I can get some pictures of it tomorrow. It's really strange to me. I'm quite familiar with the breed, bred them in the past. Just curious if anyone's seen anything like it in young birds.
We see this in Orps who have weak feather quality. Watch , and see how his mature feathers grow in.
This too is a very good read. I doubt Mr. Summerall needs to sponge the postage to make ends meet.

It will indeed be a loss to this thread and American Australorp devotees in general if he can not be persuaded

to rejoin and share his valuable knowledge..
Rightly spoken Hellbender.

PLEASE Mr. Summerall,
do not think us all on here in any way share the opinions of Vamvakas. I can only speak for myself and I for one, especially appreciate your generous offer to assist us here in our knowledge and growth as Australorp enthusiasts/breeders/exhibitors. I am a complete novice to breeding the wonderful Australorp and cherish the willingness of learned gentlemen like yourself, (and many others on here) to take the time to share your knowledge and suffer the foolish questions of novices like myself. I have been able to forward my own growth tremendously in recent months just by following this forum because of the wise instruction and knowledge shared by gentlemen such as yourself. I have learned to just be still and listen to all the wise voices on here. Please do not silence yours. People like yourself help far more people, and the Australorp breed, than you could possibly realize.
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