Australorps breed Thread

Came across something interesting trying to find info on sexing australorps. Have you guys ever heard of the australbar? It's an auto sexing australorp that was around in the 1950's. Apparently it resembled the wheaten laced australorp of South Africa. Never heard of that one either but it sounds pretty!
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My first Splash bantam Australorp just hatched a couple of days early
Looks strong and healthy! I have another 2 due to hatch (I did set 5, but 2 ended up being infertile).

Don't be sorry. That "roo" lays eggs.

She has a comb that is a bit different from a normal comb and wattles--likely from being a house chicken. The light level is likely too low for comb and wattle growth. I have seen this before with chicken I keep in the garage.
She has a comb that is a bit different from a normal comb and wattles--likely from being a house chicken. The light level is likely too low for comb and wattle growth. I have seen this before with chicken I keep in the garage.

What's wrong with her comb? It goes pale for a few minutes while she lays but she spends most of her time outside free ranging.

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