Australorps breed Thread

What's wrong with her comb? It goes pale for a few minutes while she lays but she spends most of her time outside free ranging.
The comb is not too far off. I goes back a bit too far. The Wattles are big for a hen though.

She is lovely!
The comb is not too far off. I goes back a bit too far. The Wattles are big for a hen though.

She is lovely!

Thanks! We got her at a feed store, so probably a hatchery bird. She's the friendliest, best layer we have, so no complaints here. Her size is pretty impressive though. They had JGs too, so I thought maybe we had gotten one of those instead, but there's no yellow at all on her feet.
Today she was rolling around in the dirt with her SS friend.
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Hello to the Australorp thread.
Someone suggested these chicks I received in a batch of assorted from McMurrays might be australorps (or jersey giants). I know that McMurray is not the most true to breed. What I am asking is your opinion and/or what to look for as they grow that might let me know. Also, if they are australorps, about what week can you start to tell hens from roos? Thanks for any advice!

Hello to the Australorp thread. Someone suggested these chicks I received in a batch of assorted from McMurrays might be australorps (or jersey giants). I know that McMurray is not the most true to breed. What I am asking is your opinion and/or what to look for as they grow that might let me know. Also, if they are australorps, about what week can you start to tell hens from roos? Thanks for any advice!
They do look very like my chicks but I think a lot of black chickens look alike at that age? I'm hoping to get an idea around three weeks but my last one was closer to seven or eight weeks before the guesses went from boy to girl and it was indeed a girl so I'd aim round that age.
The chickies having a play outside in the bunny run. Bunny is not amused he's been demoted to his cage lol



The bigger one is super friendly, guess that means I've got a roo lol
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Thanks! We got her at a feed store, so probably a hatchery bird. She's the friendliest, best layer we have, so no complaints here. Her size is pretty impressive though. They had JGs too, so I thought maybe we had gotten one of those instead, but there's no yellow at all on her feet.
Today she was rolling around in the dirt with her SS friend.

I love when chickens do this. It never ceases to amuse me for some reason.
My first little Australorp is now 2 weeks old! Gee time flies!

As this is my first time hatching Australorps can anyone clarify for me... Blue or black? I'm thinking black...

Also is this little white feather on his/her wing something to be expected?

@maddogdodge. Looks very like mine, my wing feathers are coming in black so I'm thinking mine are black and it's just the down that's going to have that dark grey shade.

Funny to have those couple light feathers, almost like it got a splash of splash :)

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