Australorps breed Thread

Some roosters find their way onto the dining room table too. Both are good...
Let's do this! It is long over due.

"A place for American breeders and keepers of the Black Australorp. All nationalities welcome but please let us know if you are located outside of the United States so we don't get our hopes up when you have fantastic birds, hatching eggs, and such for sale unless you are prepared to assist in cutting through the red tape on your end to get them here to the States. This page is for the average backyard flock owner to the APA Standard of Perfection breeder. Post pictures, tips, tricks, tales, and sales… anything as long is it is related to these wonderful birds. Enjoy!"
Also i just made a new website for me. I have only just started up so nothing for sale at the moment but hopefully in the future i can start my own little business
Spring is in the air and the eggs have finally started again. Out of 7 chooks my 3 Aussies are the only ones reliably laying most days though. Looking forward to not buying eggs any more!
We are new to backyard chickens. We have 4 chickens- hatched 6/15/16. They came from Belt Hatchery and were sexed there as pullets. Two were sold as "Ameracauna" which I now know are actually regular old Easter Eggers; one is a Buff Orpington and the last was sold as a Black Australorp. In the pics below Dottie was 7 1/2 weeks old. Since those were taken last week she has developed some red growth where her wattles will be and her comb has darkened slightly. Can you offer your thoughts as to her sex? Would a pullet begin developing wattles this early? Is her comb growth too big at this age to be a pullet? I very much hope she is not a cockerel- we are pretty sure that one of the EEs is a cockerel- will really be a bummer if Dottie is as well!
Thank you!

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