Australorps versus Orpingtons/English

I'm near Tacoma,
I have a breeder blue orp cock(from back stag w blue hen) and a hatchery BO hen, the hen is mid to high level in the hen group(tighter feathered than a good orp), the blue hates her (and only her, he's a real dancer and treat finder for the other hens) almost like she is another male so she keeps the flock between them, my other cock same age is a light sussex and a total pansy, the hens make him jump and run with the lightest tap (he hates being touched but gives up in 2 seconds IF you catch him[ostrich fast on open ground, smart enough to avoid getting cornered too]), but is higher ranked than the blue every time they faceoff blue usually won't even try now. Neither cock is aggressive in general (though they are only 11 months old and raised together) I think most face offs happen as a mistaken defence.

My pecking order is complex and circular.

Also my bue orp has the retarded allel on the tardy feathering locus.(near as I can tell)
He was huge, like over a pound, but still had chick fluff and wing feathers too small to assist in jumping and running. Now that he full grown he is full feathered but still runs like a football player, never using his wings unless jumping a large distance or dancing for the hens.

I had an Australorp go broody and daddy was a buff orpington. These three chicks are the results. It's hard to see, but they have fairly defined black dots all over.

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