Avatar Forum

Yay I found the perfact place to try my new avatar of some ugly old dude and my beautiful angel baby. She is the last of my very long last hatch (last as in latest not last as in Im not gonna no more) She is the baby of either sunshine or buddy and I am not one hundred percent sure of the daddy. I want to say it is cochin roo Ping! but she has some wild feathers and a crazy hair dew that makes me wonder of it might not be either Prince or Chewei's baby those are both silky roo's one a nice almost white yellow the other a mottled gray, brown,redish and blue color. Which would make her a Sizzle? maybe? opinions? please.
LOL. I love it! If she's a frizzle mixed with a silkie she'd be a sizzle. She could have the frizzled gene from her smooth feathered cochin parent though.

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