Average Hatch Rate Thread

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs = 176 + 5 = 181
#chicks = 92 + 4 = 96
Average Hatch Rate = 53%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 681 + 13 = 694
#chicks = 367 + 11 = 378
Average Hatch Rate = 54.5 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 181 + 694 =875
#chicks: 96 + 378 = 474
AHR = 54.1%
I had two batches hatch this past week, but their "stats" were exactly the same: 3 out of 7 eggs each, so I'm combining them as one, 6 out of 14 hatch ('cause it won't make any difference statistically, to list them separately).

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs = 176 + 5 = 181
#chicks = 92 + 4 = 96
Average Hatch Rate = 53%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 694 + 14 = 708
#chicks = 378 + 6 = 384
Average Hatch Rate = 54.2 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 181 + 708 = 889
#chicks: 96 + 384 = 480
AHR = 54.0%
I know this is a really old thread, and I read the rules: we're not supposed to resurrect old threads. Welllll, I'm a newbie here at BYC and I'm taking my chances with our amazing moderators. I think this thread is a GREAT idea! I've just finishing up my first hatch and feel oh-so-relieved that I'm not just a bad mommy at having 5 of my 12 hatch. Under par, but not terrible considering they were shipped eggs and that I held them a little warm for a little long.

I'm going to add my data to the thread and wonder if we couldn't add another stat to understand how shipping eggs affects our hatchability! I would also LOVE to gather data about how long eggs were held - not sure how to do that just yet. I'll think on it.

OK, here goes and PLEASE!!!!! add your numbers every time you complete a hatch!

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs: 176 + 5 = 181
#chicks: 92 + 4 = 96
Broody Hatch Rate = 53%

Incubator Hatchers (changed)
#eggs: 708 + 12 = 720
#chicks: 384 + 5 = 389
Incubator Hatch Rate = 54.0 %

Shipped Eggs (changed)
#eggs: 12 + __ = 12
#chicks: 5 + __ = 5
Shipped Hatch Rate = 41.7%

Unshipped Eggs (unchanged)
#eggs: 0 + __ = 0
#chicks: 0 + __ = 0
Unshipped Hatch Rate = %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 889 + 12 = 901
#chicks: 480 + 5 = 485
Average Hatch Rate = 53.8%
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well im a first time hatcher i just set my eggs on saterday im planing on candleing them this comming weekend but ive got 24 eggs in my bator now so ill let you know what my numbers are who knows maybe the roosters didnt do there jobs cause im thinking any eggs that canled out clear shouldnt count is the way im looking at this and id be happy with getting 6 chicks to hatch out of the 24 eggs ive got setbeing its my first time trying
3 broodies done brooding left me with 4 chicks, plus one who was killed by a?
First had 3 eggs, 1 chick.
Second had 4 eggs, 1 chick.
Third had 5 eggs, 3 chicks.
1 and 2 had an egg develop and die a few days shy of hatching.
So My girls are 5/12.

Broody Hens (changed)
#eggs: 176 + 12 = 193
#chicks: 92 + 5 = 101
Broody Hatch Rate = 52%

Incubator Hatchers (unchanged)
#eggs: 708 + _ = 720
#chicks: 384 + _ = 389
Incubator Hatch Rate = 54.0 %

Shipped Eggs (changed)
#eggs: 12 + __ = 12
#chicks: 5 + __ = 5
Shipped Hatch Rate = 41.7%

Unshipped Eggs (unchanged)
#eggs: 0 + __ = 0
#chicks: 0 + __ = 0
Unshipped Hatch Rate = %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 889 + 12 = 913
#chicks: 480 + 5 = 490
Average Hatch Rate = 53.7%
Last edited:
This was my first hatch.

Out of 42 eggs 2 were infertile.
7 had Blood rings after a 7 days.
10 out of the 42 original hatched with one dying about 3 days later.
I'm wondering if it had something to do with the small air cells compared to the ones that hatched?
The rest are still looking good.

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs: 193 + _ = 193
#chicks: 101 + _ = 101
Broody Hatch Rate = 52%

Incubator Hatchers (changed)
#eggs: 720 + 42 = 762
#chicks: 389 + 10 = 399
Incubator Hatch Rate = 52.3 %

Shipped Eggs (unchanged)
#eggs: 12 + __ = 12
#chicks: 5 + __ = 5
Shipped Hatch Rate = 41.7%

Unshipped Eggs (unchanged)
#eggs: 0 + 42 = 42
#chicks: 0 + 10 = 10
Unshipped Hatch Rate = 23.8%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 913 + 42 = 955
#chicks: 490 + 10 = 500
Average Hatch Rate = 52.4%
This is from my last 2 hatches in a Little Giant Forced Air Incubator with Automatic Egg Turner. I used my own eggs. By the way I love this idea!! Makes me realize that my hatch rates aren't that far off. A little tweaking & hopefully my own % will begin to improve!

Broody Hens (unchanged)
#eggs: 193 + _ = 193
#chicks: 101 + _ = 101
Broody Hatch Rate = 52%

Incubator Hatchers (changed)
#eggs: 762 + 61 = 823
#chicks: 399 + 24 = 423
Incubator Hatch Rate = 51.4%

Shipped Eggs (unchanged)
#eggs: 12 + __ = 12
#chicks: 5 + __ = 5
Shipped Hatch Rate = 41.7%

Unshipped Eggs (Changed)
#eggs: 42 + 61 = 103
#chicks: 10 + 24 = 34
Unshipped Hatch Rate = 33%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 955 + 61 = 955
#chicks: 500 + 24 = 500
Average Hatch Rate = 52.4%
I'm adding all my history (2 years)...

Broody Hens
#eggs: 196 + 63 = 259
#chicks: 104 + 34 = 138
Broody Hatch Rate =53%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs: 823 + 230 = 1053
#chicks:423 + 135 = 558
Incubator Hatch Rate = 53%

Shipped Eggs
#eggs: 12 + 20 = 32
#chicks: 5 + 1 = 6
Shipped Hatch Rate = 18.7%

Unshipped Eggs
#eggs: 103 + 210 = 313
#chicks: 34 + 134 = 168
Unshipped Hatch Rate = 53.6%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 1312
#chicks: 696
Average Hatch Rate = 53%

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