Avian Flu Near Me

Definitely get your flock under cover right away until this blows over!! Sadly, they’re saying it will likely be 12-17 months. Many backyard keepers are scrambling right now to build shelters for their birds, including us, so that they can have a safe enclosed run area. —
I know ppl that have converted their basements, their outbuildings that once were their work offices, even one couple that made a coop up in the attic above their detached garage… it’s crazy

This stuff is NO joke! They can show no signs at all and you can just wake up one day with dead birds that just start dropping like flies. It’s been happening to fellow flock owners who I follow on Instagram — Truly heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹

Also, get rid of those wild birds feeders right away. You shouldn’t encourage wild birds at all when you have poultry, they carry in all kinds of things that get to our birds…
So if you stop feeding the wild birds to keep them from getting into your flocks feed, won't that just encourage them to start getting into your flocks feed?
I wish they'd come up with a vaccine for this one. It's killing a lot of wild birds across the country and is getting scarier all the time.
I believe there is one. But biosecurity is recommended for starters. I've removed the bird feeder, but my girls are free ranging several hours.

The Robins are still about, and the sparrows never go away, in fact they try to break in at every chance.

I did some ritual brush burning today, maybe that will keep it at bay.
So if you stop feeding the wild birds to keep them from getting into your flocks feed, won't that just encourage them to start getting into your flocks feed?
Fair point. — This is what the biosecurity guidelines say to do, to keep the number of wild birds nesting around your property low. They (birds & animals) will congregate wherever free food is regularly provided. I believe that’s the initial step to keep them from being interested in landing on the grounds and investigating, hence increasing the risks of AI contamination…

My chickens’ feed are in treadle feeders inside their covered run, so wild birds are kept away from their feed regardless.
I wish they'd come up with a vaccine for this one. It's killing a lot of wild birds across the country and is getting scarier all the time.
Like the one for covid? that sure did save alot of people didn't it?
No vaccines here.
Like the one for covid? that sure did save alot of people didn't it?
No vaccines here.
Well, actually, the Covid vaccine did help some. I'm not saying it's a cure all. But especially when you're talking about valuable exotic birds such as those in zoos, I'm surprised that they are not working harder to come up with a vaccine. I'm just hoping for the end of this. Wild turkey hunting season starts here this weekend; I'm praying they don't find any virus in the turkeys. If they don't, I might be breathing a little easier......
I hope there is a vaccine, but if there were you'd think it would be in the news, and zoos would be utilizing it. As far as biosecurity, of course we're doing what we can. I'm so sick of the Oxine foot baths and keeping our flock confined, disinfecting shoes and tires and gaaah on and on. AND the stupid alarmist news stories. Yesterday I read two news stories back to back; one said this was the worst bird flu pandemic ever and we were gonna be facing it for months and months like Countries overseas; the other one said the US has it together and this will be less of a problem than the bird flu we had in 2014, 2015....OK, really? What to believe......?

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