Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Is this happening? Scary if it is
No, thank goodness!!! Just a hypothetical.

I was just wondering if the testing person would assume that since I'm next door, there could be exposure.

Now, if the neighbor's flock ever gets tested and is positive, whooo boy, will I have the worry machine going.
Does anyone know what happens in this scenario....

Next door neighbor's flock gets sick with unknown illness. They ask for testing.

Does whoever come to do the testing want to come test my birds on that trip? Or do they wait to find out the results of the neighbor's test first?

Here is an infographic from USDA I came across that may answer some questions. Link Response Process
Under the "Quarantine" phase, it says that they "contact neighboring poultry farms, and start testing them."

Well. That tells me what I need to know. I don't know how big of a radius they plan to test around a quarantined farm, but I can think of two and possibly a third with 3 miles of me. And there may be others that I don't know. If they go out 10+ miles, well, there could be dozens.
Just saw this change on meyers website:
Guessing moving visitors (for pickup) 5 miles away will help w biosecurity. No travelers entering with infected tires on their premises. I wouldn’t doubt they have a separate entrance for company truck to enter and park in another area. Running over poop and bringing it on site would be a horrible way to contaminate.

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