Avian influenza?

I only just today started to suspect something like this. I had one hen start losing mobility along with a water belly, and had another hen start looking very wilted with lack of appetite several days ago. Neither one responded to any of the attention I gave them after isolating them, so my dad culled them this AM. Then I noticed a different hen acting standoffish with decreased appetite. I caught her, and noticed a raspiness in her breathing.

None of my hens have had a noticeable snottiness around their eyes, but I’ve noticed a drop in egg production recently and everyone seems less energetic. Another hen has a recent development with her crop— the one I mentioned in a different thread. At first I thought these were isolated instances, but I’m realizing that they may all be connected. I’ve even noticed some swelling in several otherwise perky looking birds faces.

I used ivermectin topically for treating worms and feather mites on Thursday, and the old Amercauna I treated with fenbendezol (according to a dosage my vet recommended) quite some time ago due to her inactivity.
I only just today started to suspect something like this. I had one hen start losing mobility along with a water belly, and had another hen start looking very wilted with lack of appetite several days ago. Neither one responded to any of the attention I gave them after isolating them, so my dad culled them this AM. Then I noticed a different hen acting standoffish with decreased appetite. I caught her, and noticed a raspiness in her breathing. Isolated her today. None of my hens have had a noticeable snottiness around their eyes, but I’ve noticed a drop in egg production recently and everyone seems less energetic. Another hen has a recent development with her crop— the one I mentioned in a different thread. At first I thought these were isolated instances, but I’m realizing that they may all be connected. I’ve even noticed some swelling in several otherwise perky looking birds faces. It’s just a lot of unfortunate things that all seem to be adding up to something big. I used ivermectin topically for treating worms and feather mites on Thursday, and the old Amercauna I treated with fenbendezol (according to a dosage my vet recommended) quite some time ago due to her inactivity. No results from any of it.

I appreciate the advice about the lab and them being able to handle an outbreak. I am also new to this forum, so bear with me. I have many defensive things to say regarding some of your other comments— I have a lot going on and don’t need to feel like I’m doing something wrong by not answering other peoples questions right after they respond to a cry for help.
Sure. Sorry you feel that way.
Yes, you were asking for help, I get that.

Folks (Backyard Chicken Keepers like you and me) take the time to voluntarily take time out of their day to respond to posts/answer questions and contribute when possible. Replying to threads you've already started (your cries for help) helps us get a better understanding of what may be going on, it's the polite thing to do and it also lets us know you are willing to engage.

Did they have worms?
Do they have feather mites?

What do you feed, including treats?

Photos of hens, faces and poops would be helpful.

Symptoms you describe can be from a variety of ailments and conditions that are extremely common in laying hens.

The ones you have posted about in your other threads - does not sound like AI. But we are not vets.

In another thread you used Fenbendazole to deworm, that is what I would use to treat worms in poultry instead of Ivermectin. It's good that your vet instructed you on using the Fenbendazole.

Ivermectin can be useful when treating Mites in poultry, but it has lost some of its effectiveness against worms.

In another thread, you mention you have Marek's in your flock. Marek's can present in many different ways and the virus can affect the overall health of the bird. Often the virus weakens the bird allowing other conditions and illness to flourish.

It's very practical to cull any birds that are not thriving or responding to treatment, while it can be upsetting and difficult to do, this is a way to help prevent spread of disease and end suffering.
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I try to deworm everyone once or twice a year just as maintenance. As for the feathermites, yes, my flock has an ongoing battle with them. I first had one frizzle hen that went undiagnosed for quite sometime when I first got birds. From my reading, they aren’t even supposed to be a problem in arid climates like mine. Somehow I beat the odds, because eventually my whole flock was balding. I at first thought it was from over breeding, so I got rid of all but one rooster. The problem stayed. Finally, on a site like this, I came across the only treatment that worked. Ivermectin. Since then I’ve had to treat my flock for depluming mites every now and then when I notice the signs. It hasn’t ever gotten as bad as it was, but I can never let my guard down about them.
Did they have worms?
Do they have feather mites?

What do you feed, including treats?

Photos of hens, faces and poops would be helpful.

Symptoms you describe can be from a variety of ailments and conditions that are extremely common in laying hens.

The ones you have posted about in your other threads - does not sound like AI. But we are not vets
I give them a mix of layena layer pellets and payback layer feed. In the mornings they get some scratch grains and a few dried mealworms to go along with their oyster shells. Sometimes as a treat the flock will get a couple slices of bread to share.
I've used Ivermectin as a broad spectrum orally for a variety of symptoms in my birds, as well as for what I believed to be mites topically and had success. I personally don't recommend using it as maintenance for fear of creating resistance in my local parasites.
This hen is the one I’m most worried about. She shows mild interest in food, but then seems to spit up when she bends over too long. She is also the one I noticed with the raspy breathing.

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