Avoiding a Mean Rooster

I appreciate all of the supportive suggestions. I never thought I would shed tears over a rooster that's mean to me. If I had a dog that bit, I would not hesitate, why am I treating this any different?

speckled hen; thanks for your advice. I'm in Central Ohio, about 30 minutes east of Columbus. The only local breeder I'm aware of doesn't have the best reputation. A local fair is in a few weeks. I thought about going there and talking with some of the 4H people to see what they suggest.

Here is Mr. grumpy butt .....

Do yourself a favor and get a MATURE rooster rather than a young one. Older hens will resent a young rooster and reject him, giving him a rough time, but a mature cock will simply take charge and treat the ladies with respect, as they will him.........Pop
I have a Dark Cornish that I raised from a chick. I handled him alot. He was starting to be mean, he drew blood with my gloves on. A person on the foum said that a rooster thinks your are another rooster when you are around the hens. You should offer treats or food to him first, because another rooster would never do that. It worked for me. I can work in the coop without being attacked. He is always curious to see what I got, but not mean. Great infromation on a great forum.
Hi I have 7 roos, 5 in one pin and 2 in another. The 2 r a Rhode Island Red and a mixed Black, not sure what he is. The Black roo has become mean towards me and tries really hard to attack me even though he can't get to me. One day I was feeding the 5 roos and the fencing for the 2 roos is right where I plce the food, so that I can enter the 5 roos pen. I got too close to him and he stuck his head through and bit me, that goodness I was wearing gloves, I think he would have drawn blood. I have never feared roos, but now I take a deep breath and pray before entering, but no one seems to bother me. When my husband has gone into the 2 roos run to fix things the black one has tried to fight my husband and now it seems that a form of respect has be aquired between to two. As for me I am terrified to enter their run to feed and water, I have to lean in as far as I can grab the food and water container then shut the door quickly so that he doesn't come charging at me. I also give treats to keep him busy. Hopefully someone I know will take the two and I can relax. The other 5 don't even bother me, whew, for now. I keep praying because I know in time that it may change. I know and have been told that I only need 1 roo, but when no one wants them, your stuck with them. I just continue to feed them and enjoy their crowing, they all have different voices and I get duets or trios, lol.... I have 10 hens also and no one will even miss any of the roos since we have placed them apart since they were 22 weeks. My heart goes out to you, no matter what, you do tend to love them even when they become aggressive.
I never thought I would shed tears over a rooster that's mean to me.

I can totally relate to this. My favorite rooster ever was one that was a little aggressive to me (and other humans) -- not terrible, though -- he would start to come after me whenever I turned my back to him, but would back off as soon as I faced him. He never drew blood. And on the other hand, he was sooooo attentive to the hens, always patrolling the yard, the nestboxes, the runs, making sure he knew where every hen was. If a hawk threatened and all of them scattered, he would go and find each hen, one by one, and escort her back to the coop.

Also, I think it's never a bad thing to have compassion for an animal, even an aggressive one. Your rooster did not choose his genes. He is just behaving the way is hard wired to behave. So, if you need to get rid of him, get rid of him. But it's okay to feel bad for him.​
I think this makes good sense. The only adult bird I ever bought was a 10 month old rooster. He was in quarantine for 5 weeks and when he met the girls, he was in charge within hours. Best rooster in the world and they really depended on him to keep them safe. He never so much as bit me, such a great guy.
You could almost hear a sigh of relief when my Henry "went". I noticed less fighting among the girls and only one really seemed to notice that he was missing. I miss seeing the rooster and I miss hearing his crow but it is so nice not to have to be on guard everytime I go in with the girls. We are all spending more time with the chickens now.

** ps. when Henry went to camp I cried so hard that I was physically sick... but he went eating raisins in the grass and he never saw it coming. He had a good life while he was with us - lots of girlfriends, grass and snacks.
I am so hoping my boy ends up being a nice one, and I think he will. He is 5 1/2 months old and was hatched and grew up with two pullets that are "his" girls though they aren't old enough to lay so wont' stand still for his advances. Poor George tries everything but he's not mean to them. Or me. He did put me on guard this morning when he did a sideways half step at me. But then he gave me a gift! I swear he's starting to court me since he can't get any chicken action LOL. I'll be watching the big galoot for sure but he's always been a sweetie and will even correct one of "his" girls if they give me any trouble.

I have older hens too and I don't think they'll give him any respect at all till he's a year or more old. He's much bigger than the older girls but he's still a baby to them, and lower in pecking order. So I think getting an older one makes perfect sense, too. Great suggestion! That way, you'll know his temperament already too.
That's the bad thing - the hens LOOOVEE him. He is so good to them. He finds them food, lets them eat first, protects them. All the things he's supposed to do. He's beautiful too. So how do I find fault in the fact that he's doing what he is supposed to do? I even say I have a broody rooster. The hens leave the eggs, but he protects them. I have to wait til he's out of sight to collect the eggs.

I have someone willing to come get him - he'll probably wind up in their freezer. I just have to make the call for them to come get him. I just haven't been able to do it. I break down and cry everytime I think about it.

It's official - I've lost my mind.
I break down and cry everytime I think about it.

I know what you mean. I still miss my little Pumpkin, but I got through it, and so will you. This is one of the facts when it comes to keeping chickens: you can't keep them all. This is why it makes sense for us to eat some of them.​

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