Avoiding a Mean Rooster

I had a mean Barred Rock rooster and I had to get rid of him, well nature took care of it for me before I could do it. I now have 6 of his off spring and I am going to only keep one of them and that is the youngest for now.
To me the only way to get rid of a MEAN rooster is to eat him, for I do not believe in give someone a problem.
How do you respond to him when he comes after you? I have a big RIR who thought he should put me in my place. He was young, just coming into maturity. I immediately grabbed my barn rake and went after his butt and kept going after him until I had scared the daylights out of him. I never hit him, just chased him. This happened about two more times and he has since come to the conclusion that I am the boss, not him, and that he needs to stay out of my space. I still keep an eye on him of course but he is otherwise a good rooster. He treats his hens well and watches out for them. So now that he and I have reached an understanding I've decided he can stay. If he had kept up his attacks even after this "training" then he would have had to go.

When you approached him in the pasture he may have took that for a challenge, especially since you came right up to him. I generally just stay away from mine unless he comes to close to me. Then I make him move away. In the case where your rooster is attacking you when you bring feed/water, I'd first go in without it and move him away, or out if it's in the coop, then bring it in. Under no circumstances would I allow him to approach. As soon as he starts your way, send him off with your rake or broom or whatever you have to protect yourself.

Just some ideas to try if you decide you want to work with him. If he doesn't improve despite your efforts then I'd say let him go.
Put him in your pot! That way you are not giving another person grief and you are getting something out of all feed and stress he has put on you and your ladies. I am not trying to be mean but hte reality of it is that you are not going to find anyone willing to keep a mean rooster alive. I loved my Rooster Cluck Norris but he was stressing out my ladies, the youngster birds and me (with the crowing) so I culled him out. We don't hatch our own eggs so it wasn't a big deal but if you like having fertile eggs.
It's funny - If I approach him he's ok. I walk over, bend down, talk to him or just sit there. No problem. But turn you back to fill the water bowl and BAM - you have been flogged.

The way I handled in the other morning - well, I have a 2 gallon pitcher that I was using to fill the one water bowl. He actually hit both my arm and the pitcher at the same time - soaked himself
- but then came back for more. I held the pitcher out and he hit it with his chest instead of me.

I have also tried a super soaker! He hates that. It works well. All he has to do is see it and he walks away. But you try and do you chores in the barn while armed with a neon yellow squirt gun. It's ridiculous.

I have also simply put my foot out when he comes at me. He usually just hits the bottom of my foot with his chest a couple of times then quits. * note to self - don't EVER wear flip flops to the barn again.*

The added problem is I have two baby goats he is chasing and flogging. They babies have had actual scabs from him grabbing them with his beak and spurring them. I thought once he got used to them and realized they were not a threat he would quit, but after 6 weeks he is no better.

So, I guess I make the phone call, and the rooster goes to freezer camp. I'll cry, I'll hate myself, The hens will probably move back to the neighbor's house, but my baby goats will be safe, and I can give the squirt gun to my kid nephew.

Thanks again all for your kind words of wisdom.

If anyone in Central Ohio has a SWEET, Mild mannered Roo - let me know.

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