Awesome CHICKEN VIDEO!! (+ request to help Olivia)

Hi guys-
Thanks for all your votes and support!!! Keep voting every day! Three days left, and Olivia's lead will start probably narrowing today as her competition seems to get most votes on weekdays......
Go chickens!!
Voted again!!
So did Olivia win....The final tally shows her ahead...when will they announce...I so curious because I adopted Olivia and put her story out to all my friends, all my boards and every relative etc etc in an effort to help her...She is a hero in my book...
Yep she did!!

May 29 - June 4, 2008 - Facts, Fads and Phenoms
Have you ever heard of dancing with chickens? StoryTubes viewers have! Your Chickens: A Kid’s Guide to Raising and Showing by Gail Demerow was the starting point for the winning entry in Facts, Fads, and Phenoms.

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