Awww Crap. Literally.

I've had a slight problem with pasty butt with the chicks with fuzzier butts. Vasline does the trick, and you can try trimming the feathers around their vents. Good luck!!

I thought pasting also occured when they were too cold, am I wrong?

I had heard/read that any stressor could throw them into it...

Today the girls look pretty good. I think I will still pick up some molasses, just to be safe. Last night I was holding one of the silkies, and the thought crossed my mind..."I wonder if she is getting better...".

She was kind enough to answer my question by pooping on my shirt.
When a couple of my chicks had pasty butt, I did some research on this board. Several people suggested adding oat or corn flour to their feed, and grinding the crumbles up in a blender or coffee grinder.

I added cornflour and gave their food a whirl in the coffee grinder and instantly had no more pasty butts. I couldnt believe how quickly it worked!
I heard that too Montana Girl.
I also heard that they need more grit, even though they haven't had any treats. Some chicks apparently have issues with constipation and the grit helps their insides.

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