Awww, she's gone broody!


Dec 13, 2017
Mass Hilltowns
My first broody creature, a Welsh Harlequin.

No longer having a mature drake, she's sitting on two fake eggs, two nonfertile duck eggs, and a few chicken eggs may or may not be fertile. (Children, they just keep giving her anything they can find.)

I feel a bit sad if she were to make a grand effort and produce nothing.
I know I should wait a few more days to see if her broody breaks (it's been a few days already, with a few days prior to that of her acting goofy.)
If you have bought fertile eggs for your broody, where did you buy from?
The longer they are broody the harder they are to break so if you dont want any babies destroy her nest now. Ebay sells hatching eggs but thats if you are willing to pay for overpriced eggs that might not even hatch.
K, Mama Duck is definitely set.
She's acquired a nest of 9 (2 are ceramic, a bunch of nonfertile duck, and questionable fertile chicken.)

I'd really like a few fertile eggs for her.
My go to gal is overseas right now.
Where do you get your fertile eggs from?

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